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db x db x is offline
KickUps Champion, Curveball Champion, Mouse Race Champion
Default 04-11-2009, 04:35 PM

cheers lads.

appreciate this advice and since writing it I've had like a huge epiphany before even reading your advice, its totally unrelated but it makes the ex situation totally completely futile.

I've decided to completely reshape my life. I'm sick and tired of its direction.

I'm quitting university, (I took computer games programming), and now I'm going to study phycology in my spare time whilst traveling to different parts of UK/Europe or wherever i can go realistically...

I've realised that I can quit dreaming of what I would like to do, and just think fuck it and do it. because there is no reason I can't.

I will be taking on alot of debt by leaving uni but end of the day reading into pickup (more specifically the natural inner side of things thats not 100% pickup) has made me realise that I don't wanna be some games programmer stuffed in a office in front of a pc for hours at a time. I think my value system has improved enough for me to see my true aspirations and to not be afraid to chase them.

I'm no longer doing what I'm good at for the sake of accomplishment. I'm doing whatever the fuck I want.

Much Love
.db x.
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