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Default How To Approach Moving Street Sets Directly - 04-11-2009, 01:17 PM

Hey guys! Ok, this is my first proper post here so I thought I'd make it a good one. This is an article I wrote a few months ago about stopping moving girls in the street. I hope you guys like it - I always appreciate your feedback - so let me know if you have any ideas regarding this article. Enjoy!


Approaching Moving Sets in the Street (Direct)
By Yosha

I have a confession to make:

I have really bad night-game. I find it hard even opening at night. Me and my friends regularly host nights at Movida, which is where we invite out girls to - so I'm SURROUNDED by girls on our table, who I dance and have fun with. But other hot girls in the club that aren't in our group? I'm terrified of talking to them. I just find the whole environment completely stiffling. I'm intimidated by much better looking, more confident seeming guys, and I always ASSUME hot girls in a nightclub won't be interested in me. So just to clarify - I'm like a complete AFC when it comes to the classic understanding of 'THE GAME' - i.e, approaching and attracting girls in a nightclub environment.

But I am currently dating three HOT girls. Infact, I'm very confident that in a couple of months time, I'll have twice that. By this time next year, I'm VERY VERY confident that I would have found a girl of such high quality that I'll want to have a proper monogomous relationship with her.

"Eh? But I thought you said your game was shit?"

Yup. Wanna know how?

Street game. And not just "excuse me, I'm looking for the nearest treehouse" kind of street-game - I'm talking about DIRECT street-game.

I'm talking about going up to the hottest girls you can find and letting them know straight away that you're interested in them. I'm talking about not really having a clue exactly what you're going to say when you approach, but instead trusting yourself to come up with what is needed in the moment.

I can guarentee you now - if you dedicate yourself to doing what I say to do, battle through all rejections, correcting your mistakes and persevering - you will be in a position where you can date as many hot girls as you like, without using any scripted openers, routines, or gimicks - just being yourself.

Now. Sitting comfortably? Gum? Ok, let's begin.


Firstly, forget anything you've ever experienced about direct street game. I hear so many people tell me "but I've tried direct, and they just tell you straight away they've got a boyfriend". They probably do. ME. I got there first When I first started doing direct, I got exactly the same response. The difference is I didn't give up. I made a firm decision that DIRECT STREET GAME was what I wanted to do. It's how I've decided to play the game. So I put on my seatbelt, and rode it out, till the bitter end. So forget about any negative experiences you've had TRYING direct street game. You were just doing it wrong. I'm going to tell you how to do it right.


When you approach a girl indirectly on the street (ask for directions, a female opinion), you are HIDING your true intentions (that you are interesting in the girl romantically/sexuall). Because of this, the girl isn't considering you as a potential romantic interest, so if you are dressed poorly, have poor body language, clearly don't take care of yourself, and generally sound like an uncalibrated weirdo - 99% of the time she will stop to answer your question, as doing so isn't conveying any romantic or sexual interest towards you. Girls are generally nice, polite people as long as you are nice and polite to them.

Infact, it is impossible to get rejected from going indirect. You can't reject someone HONESTLY asking for a female opinion - infact to do so would actually be quite rude. People get rejected when their intentions ARE unintentially coming through, dispite the indirect verbal communication. So now the girl can reject you, because she is now rejecting what she percieves to be your COVERT advances. If you go indirect, you need to be 100% indirect, so as not to arouse suspicion in the girl. If you are going indirect, but they can TELL that you really have romantic/sexual intentions towards them, it is perseived as WEAK behaviour, because you are clearly too scared of saying what's really on your mind, for fear or rejection.

When you approach a girl directly, you are forcing her to make a second by second decision whether or not she can see you as a potential date/boyfriend/sexual partner. She might reject your straight away, she might listen to you for a few seconds then decide you're not her cup of tea, or you might be talking to her for 10 minutes, give you her number, then when you call, decide not to answer the phone then.


If she percieves you as a HIGH VALUE guy, approaching her directly is VERY POWERFUL. If she percieves you as low value, it's not.

Two people could approach a hot girl, say exactly the same thing, but get complete different results. Depending on what is being communicated, you will either be percieves as a high value, confidence, exciting man who isn't afraid to say what's on is mind.... or not.

I'm going to teach you how to come across as high value. It's the classic fake it before you make it thing. Actually BEING high value is your ultimate goal - but this takes time and high value experiences. Infact, alot of guys I have shown this stuff to REALLY ARE high value people. They either don't realise it, or they just FORGET their value when they are in the presence of a hot girl. The only way to combat this is to approach, approach, approach untill you are desensitised to it. Eventually you won't forget your value, you won't be afraid any more. You'll be able to approach the hottest girls, and act with the same confidence as when you talk to your best friend.

Afterall, isn't confidence just the absense of fear?


This is the stuff movies are made of. Every girl I've ever been with who I met using this approach has told me they LOVED the way I approached. They told me they'd never been approached that way. Listen guys - 99.99999% of guys DON'T do this. Dispite what you've heard GIRLS DON'T GET APPROACHED LIKE THIS. Sure, guys try to 'strike up conversation' with hot girls. But NOONE goes straight up and does what I do.

If you do this right, you can forget about DHVing. Your approach is the demonstration of high value.


They are many things that communicate high value when you do a direct street approach, some of them intangiable. The best way to describe 'that which can't be described', is your VIBE.


Before you take any pick-up courses or spend ANY money what so ever on material or products - WORK ON YOUR FASHION. The fabrics that you decide to adorn your body with say more about you than you probably know. I girl WILL REJECT YOU, just because you are wearing clothes that communicate low value. This isn't so important for indirect game - but for direct game it is ESSENTIAL.

When you're selling your house, you are always adviced to spend a few thousand pounds on making it look more presentable, so people will be more likely to buy it, even if the things you are buying won't even be there when you've moved, like plants, furniture and curtains. The point is, potential buyers (with little imagination) come in and make a quick decision based on the FEELING that the house gives them. If you spend a few thousand making the house FEEL like a home, they are far more likely to buy it.

So don't like your fashion be the reason they girl rejects you. Ask the girl later why she didn't stop and talk to you, and she probably won't know.

If you don't know ANYTHING about fashion, then I would strongly advice seeing a professional who does. I did, and the change was staggering. If you don't have any money, then start paying attention to fashion magazines, or getting some advice from any friends who do have really good fashion sense. As a general rule, make sure your clothes are WELL FITTED, and if you're unsure, keep the colours to a minimum. If you like funky, rocky kinda stuff, then go for that kind of look. If you're more of a suave, gentleman type of fello, then go for that kind of look.

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