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Default email buddy-let's do this together - 06-01-2011, 12:47 PM

Hi, I'm 32 from London. I suppose I'm still new to this, even though I've been reading forums for ages and materials for even longer.

I have tried a few openers and routines but found that I lost myself in it somewhat. So I favour the direct approach.

I don't just have approach anxiety, but actual anxiety, which often makes it difficult to socialise. To beat this I am taking group therapy and I have been on a meditation retreat. Not being satisfied with success with women is symptomatic of deeper problems, so I'm looking into these and I feel very optimistic about it. However, this takes time and I would like to just get on with it.

My plan is to start very slowly and work my way up to real success. I don't want the models, to be the centre of attention or anything else to feed my ego. I am more concerned with my true self coming through. I just want to have the belief that I can approach any woman any time and enjoy the experience.

My first step is to go out around the shops and get talking to people. It's as simple as that because I don't feel completely comfortable doing it. The next step is to go to night clubs on my own, just to get the feel for it.

As I see it, getting out of my comfort zone is all important, but there's no point setting my sights to high, because although failure is really success, it often feels demotivating. Every small success will give me the confidence and motivation to take on new challenges. I hope to take on some pretty serious challenges later on, but I'm not thinking about that right now; I need to solidify my confidence at this level first.

I don't need a wingman because I want to take this one on my own when I'm in the field. However, it is important to communicate what I do every day. I want to have someone to report to so that they know I'm doing something, so that I can tell them how I have been feeling and so that I don't feel alone doing it.

I would like this person to do the same and I can give you the same support you give me. Maybe you have the same issues as me, or something different. Maybe you want to be direct or run routines, it doesn't matter to me. It also doesn't matter where you are, because it's just about exchanging emails. If we never meet it might also make us more frank about things.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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Default 06-01-2011, 05:53 PM

Welcome NewJackSwagger... or you could just keep posting on the forum and we will all do our best to help you.

I am one year older than yourself by the way and I have no wingman. It sounds like you are moving in the right direction anyway and I am looking forward to hearing more. Good luck on your adventures.
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