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Default New PUA member - 25-07-2016, 12:33 PM

Hello everybody,

My name is Lucas and I'm new member of this PUA forum.
I'm planning to join some PUA seminar or mentorship program.

Did some research and there are a lot of companies offering this type of services? I stumbled across Ministry of Attraction. Did anybody had experience with this guys?

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Default 26-07-2016, 08:57 AM

Hi All

My name is Dan; I'm a Hypnotherapist, and Inner Game Coach, based in the UK.

My primary focus is working with men in order to get rid of Approach Anxiety and Limiting beliefs with women at the same time as creating a solid core of confidence and the high level entitlement needed to bring your game up to the next level.

I'm currently looking for 5 guys in the community to do 3-5 FREE, no obligation sessions with over skype. I use several tools including hypnosis, NLP and EFT to get your head in the right place when it comes to success with women.

The sessions will involve a lot of talking, discussing what obstacles you have in your dating life and then creating a custom made programme that will aim to deal with these specific issues. I've had some fantastic success already and just last month I heard that one of my clients got engaged whilst on holiday.

If you're interested in this one time deal, that really does have the ability to revolutionize your success with women, please put your name, email address and Skype handle down below with why you think several sessions of inner game coaching would have an impact to change your life.

Good Luck and many thanks,

- Inner_Game_Dan

Last edited by Inner_Game_Dan; 26-07-2016 at 09:08 AM.
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Default 26-07-2016, 11:19 AM

Hi Kowalski

Thanks for your interest im sure there are some con men out there its good to hold
Others to account.

Its funny you mention that wikipedia page on NLP
I actually read that just the other day while researching a
EBook im working on and was very disappointed in what I saw.

Ill try and address your your points individually.

First of NLP and EFT are both relatively new techniques and its is impossible to
test them in a scientific manner the same way as a double blind trial which test for
placebo effect.

The reason is that in those clinically tested trials. People are given a drug
and also a sugar pill or placebo to test how they react to both to measures improvement
In the case of both NLP and EFT you can't have a placebo you ether do NLP and
EFT on them are you don't.

Secondly I could probably find plenty websites online stating that a MASTER PUA
Is a scam and no one can teach you how to get better with girls. Hell wikipedia can
Edited by anyone so I could probably find eveidence that Barack Obama
Was born on mars if I looked hard enough.

Thirdly the methodology I use was taught at the Royal Berkshire College of
Clinical Hypnosis

[url=http://www.rbcch.co.uk/]Home - Royal Berkshire College of Clinical Hypnosis[/url]

and the qualification of DHP or diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice is recognized by
several professional bodies and the exam is moderated by the professional body the APHP

All the tutors there are practising hypnotherapists one is also a psychothrepist
as well all of them use a wide array of methods to get the changes people want.

they have all dedicate there professional lives to making life easier for people who
want to change or improve.

as for the entitled point i meant entitled to being happy feeling you deserve a high quality girlfrind or
one night stands or whatever else they want people usually get what they think they deserve in life.

on the final point this isnt a scam im not asking for any money.
the coaching is free i want to improve my skill set
by working with people who would like to benefit and are open to trying a new aproach.
these techqunes have had a profound effect on my life and im hoping to share that with others.

the only thing i would ask the clients for is feedback on what they thought of the coaching

and ether referances or referals only if they felt happy with the level of
service given they really have nothing to lose.

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Default 26-07-2016, 12:29 PM

Hi again.

First of you will notice I didn't start my original message saying hi my names Dan I am an EFT/NLP practitioner, I said I was a Hypnotherapist.

This is because hypnosis/hypnotherapy is my primary skill set and my preferred method for helping clients achieve the results my clients ask for when it comes to success with women.

I didn't say that double blind tests are flawed just that there not conducive for something like NLP and EFT. in the same way that i would work for a clinical trial. there also other aspects with EFT its not just the tapping its going over the issues at hand with the therapist talking.

If we look at your point about EFT and tapping on different areas your right you could tap on the wrong areas of body and see if there were some change/benefits while using the appropriate words. Im sure this has been tested before. Whether the parts of the body matter that much I honestly don't know my belief is that EFT work though a sort of "sensory overload" as your visualizing the issue, talking about it ,and tapping at the same time which lowers the intensity of the memory or feeling. im not even questioning the fact that there's such things as meridians there isn't!

the point is that real people get real results last time i did eft with someone it was for fear of spiders the next time i saw her she had successfully picked up a spider with none of the the normal anxiety.

As a hypnotherapist The work I do is client lead meaning you work with the client and figure out what works best for them. most people work well with hypnosis and with relatively little practice get very good at getting "into state". Some clients find it hard to deal with the visual component so then other techniques can be used instead. If a client had reservations about EFT I certainly wouldn't push it on them I had plenty of reservations my self before doing the course and seeing the dramatic changes possible in several rounds of tapping. Perhaps I would suggest them to try it for 10 mins and if they didn't like it we could move on to something that worked better for them. In my experience hypnosis works well on 90%+ of clients so we would be taking about a fraction of a fraction of clients that would use EFT and not enjoy it/feel the benefit of it.

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Default 03-08-2016, 02:45 PM

Hey Lucas, welcome to the forum. I used to work for a pua training company and I ran a lot of my own boot camps in London. TBH, getting together with a group of guys who all want to learn and then pushing each other to approach. Daring each other or giving each other challenges will help you a lot. Get together with these guys and hold each other accountable will help a lot. Yes, if you find a reputable guy with evidence or proof that he gets girls sure, maybe do a boot camp and then share what you learned with your friends ASAP! Actually, when I was newb, teaching what I learned was one of the fastest ways that I learned and achieved more. There's so much youtube content these days that you should be able to the theory Good luck.

PS, Let us know how you get on.

Richard - Former puatraining trainer. Started uploading hidden camera pickup vids in 2007. Looking to uplift guys who struggled like I did. youtube.com/channel/UCdKhEkUMrNrgMSgb1P4HB6Q
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