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Default how to get back to her place? - 11-03-2017, 10:11 PM

so, here's the situation, i'll include as much detail as possible, i was wondering if anybody could give me some advice on what to do here. any input is appreciated

I met a lass about a year ago while at a friends birthday doo, she was his sisters friend and we hit it off great. i never followed up on it until i added her on facebook about 3 months ago, we messaged eachother back n forth slowly for about 6 weeks til we exchanged numbers and now we've been speaking for 1 or 2 hours at a time, like twice a week for a month (we live in different counties)... recently there's alot more flirting going on and the converstation lingers on the topic of sex more & more, i know she's looking for a casual thing (not a bf) and we've arranged to meet up in a couple of weeks so i'm fairly certain its on.

now the problem is, we met once, and have only spoke by text and phone since then. i've arranged to meet her in leeds for coffee in the afternoon and then leave her to stay at a friends in a nearby town for the night, as i can't just assume over the phone that we're planning sexy times! although i have hinted at the nature of the meet and she's responded positively...
i figured that i'd go for coffee with her to warm up, then go for dinner, demonstrate value and build attraction, then go to a nice cosy pub to build comfort and escalate until i can make my intentions clear and somehow get back to hers within the space of about 5 hrs.

she's a HB8, very outgoing and bubbly, works in a coffee shop and gets hit on alot, but hasn't got laid since last autumn.

so what i'm really asking is how would you guys go about ending up back at her place instead of on a train?
i'm open to any suggestions, the more the better i could use some food for thought, thanks guys
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Default 12-03-2017, 11:40 AM

thanks kowalski, sound advice

my hints, for example we was talking about movies and how if you are with someone of the opposite sex, the intention is not to watch the film, so i said "after we've had dinner you can pick a film for us to not watch" and she just giggled and asked if id seen this or that film.
or last time we spoke, i was talking about the meet as if it was an all night affair, saying she can show me all the best places for me to wind her up in, (i was teasing her about how she wouldn't be able to handle my energy, i'm quite hyper) and she suggested just meeting in a bar and going from there... i may be clutching at straws but i trust my gut

i was overcomplicating it with all the pua jargon, what i meant was basically what you said, be myself. be cocky and tease her (demonstrate value and build attraction) then get closer and more sensual (build comfort and escalate). i wont be overthinking it, i'm not the nervous type and im comfortable in my own skin.
i'm more likely to cock it up by overdoing than overthinking hahaha.

i will make use of your advice, thanks
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Default 12-03-2017, 02:21 PM

cool so what you're saying is just be completely authentic and natural, and make light touching and controlling the situation a part of my way of being?

i'm not sure what you mean by "they can't be done", or is that your way of saying that im overthinking a simple situation, cos im aware of that, was just curious what others had to say!

thanks dude
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