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Default After 3 months shes gone cold - 24-11-2016, 01:27 AM

Sorry for the long post, but wanted to get as much information here on the situation so that you guys could help.

I met a girl 3 months ago, she is 18, I am 28. Things were going great.

I gamed her well until this point. Push/pull, texting was 60/40 with her mostly initiating, I would keep meeting to once a week.

There was a point early on where she bluntly said she didn’t want to see me anymore. This was because she was subtly asking for a relationship a number of times which I was too arrogant in my response. I went ghost for a day and then went a bit AFC – said I wanted her. It worked on this girl and we started seeing each other again.

Now to the issue, we had planned going to a play for some time, she bought the tickets for us, and we were both very excited for it, we agreed a couple of dates ago that we would sleep with each other that weekend, but I didn’t mention it again as she said she was scared and would need to think about it.

We went on another date after that, this was 10 days ago I knew her IL was sky high through these actions:

-Kinoing me, head in my chest and hugging constant
-she bought me gifts
-taught me I love you in her native language
-said she wished she could see me every day
-said she could not sleep the night before because she wanted to see me
-said I really like you a lot

I then didn’t initiate texting for 3 days after the date above where I then initiated with some small talk, day after that I asked her to meet at 2 for the play, she said she couldn’t go, her mum didn’t let her, there was no offer of another meet-up, I didn’t make a big deal of it and said that’s okay, I didn’t set-up another date. Turns out she went to the city with some friends she hasn’t seen in a long time.

I then went ghost for a day, then re-initiated again, asked her how her weekend was, she said she was studying (a lie) again a few texts, I wanted to gauge her interest, I wasn’t getting much, response. I then ghosted for another day, where I then initiated for a fourth time, I said have you heard from your cat in Russia, I got a lengthy response which I was pleased about, I then said again that I missed him, she replied “he doesn’t miss you” no laughing faces or “haha’s”, I then asked how she was where I got no reply. This was yesterday.

I really think something has happened, no initiating from her in 10 days, and not much texting. My plan is to go ghost another 3 days to see if she initiates, and then give her a call and ask her out. That way I’ll know where I really stand, she hasn’t bluntly said she doesn’t want to see me like before. Although not sure going ghost is going to make thing worse either, as my AFC moment before actually worked. If there’s an issue with the mum I need to think of a reply to that too.
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New User
Default 24-11-2016, 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Why frightened? Have you not had sex yet? Is she a virgin?


Yeah she's a virgin. We haven't had sex yet. We did have another date after she said she was scared though and it was fine.
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Junior Member
Default 29-11-2016, 12:29 PM

I would advise going out to game in the meantime as if this does go tits up your skill level will go up so you won't feel bad about her. I would hazard a guess and say you are in scarcity mindset at the moment, otherwise you wouldn't write such a long story about one girl.

Women are unpredicatble and can sense weakness even over texts. Why not give her the "fuck you" as you have a bomb-ass day approaching and attracting hot girls, otherwise you give her the power to manipulate you. Women are past-masters at preying on insecurities. Don't give her that option. Be the guy with options. She will sense that and know that she has no power over you now.

Good luck
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