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BroadswordWSJ 24-12-2015 12:42 AM

I take that back based on you trolling Kowalski, I think your a complete penis.

I personally don't really care what he looks like or what his real name is, I'm more interested in what he posts.

I haven't read in the other thread yet any of your responses about how your life has "improved" - but it clearly hasn't. Any integrated man who has got his qualifications, finances and love life together would not waste 5 minutes trolling some guy on the internet they've never met just because deep down they have maturity & mental issues & feel the need to troll someone online to make them feel better about themsevles. I don't believe you've improved at all, the way you act in thispost makes it highly doubtful. Any man who has wouldn't waste time on this shit & would have too much self respect to bother with it.

Your a penis & a liar. I'm done with your posts.

J.Daniels 24-12-2015 01:23 AM

You're so done that you commented. Lol. You call me egotistical yet the only negative things that I've said have been in response to others? I could've said much worse, believe me I genuinely could have. I tried being alright but he wouldn't let it go. If he wants to see who can be a bigger prick then yea fuck it I'll bite.

J.Daniels 24-12-2015 01:50 AM

So I woke up. Big deal. Buried me? You tried to be a prick and ended up looking more of one than you could ever have hoped for and ended up qualifying the life out of yourself lol. The difference is I'm not a prick. I just retaliated.

It's good having a girl that works in credit check, Lee. But as I said on another thread, I'm actually a decent guy. I'm not gonna take it there, no matter how much it interested me.

The fact of the matter is, you "offering a polite opinion" was a bullshit mask for "I don't like the sound of you so I'm being a dick" and we both know it. You escalated it, so I kept up. Give me as many long replies as you want and take every comment I post into tiny little quotes that you can write a paragraph on, the point still stands.

J.Daniels 24-12-2015 02:01 AM

Lol. Good one.

drop collision 24-12-2015 08:48 AM

I can't believe that J.Daniels stayed up to 3am, just to get the last word in.
I'm starting to respect you. :second:

Also you have mad computer skills. :google2:


Originally Posted by J.Daniels (Post 98410)
Oh. I found your friends. Jaz and Barney. You guys should change your pickup names, lol.

Lets see the pictures. You can see a picture of me on my face book page at "David drop-collision". :pcguru:

J.Daniels 24-12-2015 01:34 PM

Woke up at 3am* nah I'm done with this shit were grown fucking men. What the fuck are we trying to achieve here? Feels like a lot of wasted potential if we're going to keep trying to win the special olympics. It's embarrassing.

J.Daniels 24-12-2015 03:13 PM

No. You're being a dick and playing it down. Professional help? How are YOU under the illusion that you're not the one in need of help? You're bitter online because of your addictions and you've lost the ability to let it go without having the last word because it's all you have left. Get help with the booze and help with the loan. You're in no position to tell others what to do. I know you're going to feel the need to find a way to reply, but it would be pathetic at this point.

drop collision 24-12-2015 03:16 PM

Oh my god, J.Daniels has become a "Master PUA" before me.:cry:

Come on J.Daniels show us the pictures you found of the other members on the forum. Sherlock Holmes is on the TV on new years day; he has mad investigation skills, just like you.

I will let you have the last word.

Shahanshah 24-12-2015 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by J.Daniels (Post 98410)
Oh. I found your friends. Jaz and Barney. You guys should change your pickup names, lol.

Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat, but sleep and shit. DO NOT O.D! I don't want that shit on my conscience, fuck no. G'night, Lee.

Who's Barney?

CharmingStallion 22-03-2016 10:50 PM

So how has that been progressing for you? I've been in the same position and it's worked out very well. Basically what I did was to make sure that I was targeting the older or more serious types through suitable student clubs and societies. With a bit of game + your age makes you seem more mature and most universities have literally thousands of post-grads and post-docs who can be your hunting ground.


Originally Posted by Mature_student (Post 98307)
We as I mentioned in my introduction I'm currently through my first semester of my BSc at uni. I'm a mature student in my early 30s and frankly I'm finding dating pretty hard. The girls here clearly don't think of me as a viable option which is a problem because my whole social life now revolves around university. Even if I had the inclination I don't have the time or money to spend searching for girls outside of my normal circles. And anyway while I'm here it seems to me I might as well at least try to pick up other students.

So what's the best advice you can give in how to pick up students?

astroboy 27-03-2016 02:39 PM

You might not have money (And not needed) but you do need to put in time.

Chances are if you not attracting women within your social circles. It's more about elevating your status and social value within that. Not just being a nice guy. Be the leader of groups, have cool shit you're doing, make people laugh and be the guy that always has the party going. That way you're the leader of the wolf pack.

However chances are you've probably already "defined" yourself in your current social circles and can't do much there anymore. As once you've usually found your established role in your starting place, people have you stuck in their stereotype unless you do something drastic.

So then you most likely have to look outside your social circle and learn some daygame. Plenty of resources on that, but basically comes down to having the balls to go and talk to whomever you are attracted to with zero fucks given.

When all else fails....there is porn.


Originally Posted by Mature_student (Post 98307)
We as I mentioned in my introduction I'm currently through my first semester of my BSc at uni. I'm a mature student in my early 30s and frankly I'm finding dating pretty hard. The girls here clearly don't think of me as a viable option which is a problem because my whole social life now revolves around university. Even if I had the inclination I don't have the time or money to spend searching for girls outside of my normal circles. And anyway while I'm here it seems to me I might as well at least try to pick up other students.

So what's the best advice you can give in how to pick up students?

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