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Stein 10-12-2014 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93669)
Who says I'm not balling with multiple women simultaneously, but this one I need help with?

If that was the situation you were in you would recognise this situation as a pointless non problem. Someone who already had this sorted would not be that bothered either way and certainly wouldn't see it as worth devoting this kind of mental energy to some girl at work with a bf. It's scarce minded. So the advice is go out and get laid more. After a while you'll realise what a daft thing this is to be bothered about.

BroadswordWSJ 10-12-2014 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93669)
So you're basing my whole personality by this one post? Do you honestly think I'm the first human being to post anything like this? Who says I'm not balling with multiple women simultaneously, but this one I need help with? I was looking for advice, not your opinions. If I wanted to get opinions, I'd go ask my grandmother.

Your just not liking the fact that nobody is "for" helping you with your current situation, you'd be all happy and chuffed if you got given advice on how to get her.

Doesn't sound like your with any other women at all, the other posters points above back this up. She has a boyfriend, she's not available. Move on.

PostScript 10-12-2014 08:37 AM


So you're basing my whole personality by this one post?


Do you honestly think I'm the first human being to post anything like this?
No, why would I?


Who says I'm not balling with multiple women simultaneously
I neither asked nor inferred what else you may be doing.


but this one I need help with?
Good luck with that.


I was looking for advice, not your opinions.
If you want pandering, kindly specify so on your OP so I can ignore you.


If I wanted to get opinions, I'd go ask my grandmother.
What a good idea, ask her "hey gran, I want to fuck up somebody else's life to fulfil my own selfish goals, how can I go about that?" and see what she says.

Chris 13-12-2014 10:14 AM

I haven't laughed this much in a very long time, thanks a lot guys! :trampoline:

On a more serious note, why even bother replying if you don't have anything concrete to say? Being able to disarm boyfriends is also a stage you need to be able to handle (at least I want to). But you guys are very pathetic with your insulting and degrading comments, so I'll let you guys stay on the deserted island that UK is.

Stein 13-12-2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93713)
On a more serious note, why even bother replying if you don't have anything concrete to say?

There's been a full concrete consensus from everyone on here. Everyone has said not to bother with this girl, because there's no reason to engage in this kind of selfish manipulative scarce behaviour when you could just as easily go out and fuck someone else. This issue isn't that nothing concrete has been said, it's just that our answer doesn't play into the PUA narrative you want to here. You came here looking for a sneaky trick you can use to fuck someone else's girlfriend. We told you that from the context of someone who's good with women this kind of behaviour is retarded to engage in anyway. There's your answer, and it comes from a solid base of knowledge and experience across the whole forum. Deal with it.

I've noticed though that aren't really responding with anything concrete yourself. Instead of engaging with what we said and wondering why this is the advice you're getting from everyone, you've done nothing but get defensive and whine about us not saying what you were hoping we would.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93713)
Being able to disarm boyfriends is also a stage you need to be able to handle (at least I want to).

Why exactly do you want to fuck other people's girlfriends? Just to be a parasite going around fucking up other people's relationships for the sake of you getting your end away? Or is it just because the only girl who seems kind of into you right now is a girl at work with a bf, and your scarce thirsty tunnel vision is looking for a way for it to be possible and morally okay for you to fuck her? Personally I hope it's the second once, because if it's the first you don't even deserve to get laid.

If you ever get a to a point where you're genuinely good at this you'll look back at these kind of thoughts and be embarrassed.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93713)
But you guys are very pathetic with your insulting and degrading comments, so I'll let you guys stay on the deserted island that UK is.

Not even sure what that's supposed to mean

BroadswordWSJ 13-12-2014 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 93713)
Being able to disarm boyfriends is also a stage you need to be able to handle (at least I want to).

"Disarming boyfriends"? What kinda heat is he packing? Uzi, rifle, a machete?

If the dude has weapons, thats even more of a reason to stay away from this girl before he finds out and blows/chops your dick off.

Golden_Eye 28-12-2014 09:32 PM

OK, Im not going into the BF Destroyer territory.

What I am going to say however, is what is it with Gaming Girls at work. WTF. There are 3.5 Billion women out there. What makes a girl at work so special. When your at work you should be focussing your energy on work so you can build wealth.

There are loads of bars, clubs, coffee shops, bus stops, strip clubs, libraries, trains, planes, holiday destinations to run game.

Focus on work when at work. When at Gym, the only thing you should be picking up are weights.

Compartmentalise your life. Otherwise it will all go wrong. Or have the potential to do so.

Seriously the whole idea of learning to socialise is to be able to do that. Just sticking with social circles and work environments, thats just creepy given the amount of women out there.


Now give me 10 reasons why this girl is so damn special.

Im not being negitive, Ive just seen people mess their lives up with game, not something I would recommend.

Go look at Maslows Pyramid of needs, work provides the basics, nothing more, nothing less.

Golden_Eye 28-12-2014 09:32 PM

OK I was a bit harsh there.

tat 30-12-2014 03:57 PM

I think it depends. there's boyfriends and boyfriends, girlfriends and girlfriends. She may have a boyfriend but it may not be 'serious' and she might just want a bit of fun on the side.

I think it is different when people are married or engaged. I like to respect that. But just boyfriends and girlfriends, well, I think that it isn't such a serious thing, so it is ok if that is what they want. I mean, a single woman will still have regular boyfriends, and one offs.

When she said she had a boyfriend i think you should have enquired further to see if she just wanted you to assure her that you understood it was to be a discreet thing if you were going to have sex.

legend 30-12-2014 05:59 PM

I once fucked a married woman I met in the gym. I'm sure I posted here somewhere. Funny how guilty I felt instead whilst the woman wasn't bothered. Since then never again although they got divorced in the end. Not because of me though.
There are a lot of hot single women out there. It ain't worth the hassle. Her bf could be a psychopath.

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