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Phil 17-09-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 67355)
Preaching about how we should improve our appearance is hardly revolutionary. It is all over the tv, the billboards, the newspapers. This is the dream we are sold every day. We know all this. In this forum we should focus more on the deeper stuff, how we behave, how we talk, etc.

I think pretty much everyone dresses to impress, has a wash and cleans their teeth. This is handled.

i dont think it is mate... i posted this in the beginners section for a reason.

there are still those who stand by the sales spin that "LOOKS ARE INSIGNIFICANT"

people need to be put str8. anyway, this wasn't the point of the thread. its turned into that boring debate. Appearance matters just as much as personality<the end>

sapmi 17-09-2012 02:28 PM

Appearance matters to the extent that you don't go out looking like a hobo (retard) and make a little bit of an effort with your appearence, even though your not blessed with the best looks in the world like Ross Jeffries, Neil Strauss, Jeffy or Hoobie. If you work with what you got, you will get pussy - fact.

In fact, I think Phil will agree with me on this :)

chillem 17-09-2012 03:03 PM

I know Phil didn't start this thread for it to be about looks but I would like to add something. Ok, I have a mate who does great with fit good looking women. He works in construction and has pulled tons of fitties in the day while he is at work or just after finishing work for the day and what I find interesting is that this is when he is in his work clothes, so dirty rigger boots, dirty jeans or shorts and obviously he's not showered so dirty hands and finger nails but it doesn't seem to do him any harm whatsoever. He's not what you would call good looking, probably a bit above average but he does have a natural charm that women (or at least the ones he goes for) find very attractive

Phil 17-09-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by chillem (Post 67362)
I know Phil didn't start this thread for it to be about looks but I would like to add something. Ok, I have a mate who does great with fit good looking women. He works in construction and has pulled tons of fitties in the day while he is at work or just after finishing work for the day and what I find interesting is that this is when he is in his work clothes, so dirty rigger boots, dirty jeans or shorts and obviously he's not showered so dirty hands and finger nails but it doesn't seem to do him any harm whatsoever. He's not what you would call good looking, probably a bit above average but he does have a natural charm that women (or at least the ones he goes for) find very attractive

but the dirty thing is attractive to women coz its manly, i know loads of women who think its sexy...coz he a builder. same as a dirty fireman...

but see how many women he gets dressed like that without his work boots & jacket on.

its like women love the smell of sweaty men comin out of the gym.... give her a sweaty man anywer else, he is repulsive.

what ur talkin about is a completely diff thread.

nova 17-09-2012 03:32 PM

Right I'm confused. Do i wash or not?

Phil 17-09-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 67364)
Right I'm confused. Do i wash or not?

you wash before 4.30 or after 6.23

you have to be wearing a bright colour & work boots, or if you dont use spray you need shorts on

maestro 17-09-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 67364)
Right I'm confused. Do i wash or not?

No, not if you're a builder or someone who goes to the gym.

chillem 17-09-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 67364)
Right I'm confused. Do i wash or not?

We need a LOL button

chillem 17-09-2012 04:36 PM

Yep I agree with everything you said there Phil but I still find it interesting nonetheless cos all the PUAS talk about needing to be clean with designer jeans and expensive shoes etc. Shows what they know.

Also cos I couldn't dirty myself up and go out and pull cos it would be fake and not who I am. But if anyone reading this is a builder or whatever don't let the fact that you're not looking your best put you off chatting to a hot chick when opportunity arises.

Phil 17-09-2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by chillem (Post 67368)
Yep I agree with everything you said there Phil but I still find it interesting nonetheless cos all the PUAS talk about needing to be clean with designer jeans and expensive shoes etc. Shows what they know.

not sure designer clothes are important, maybe if your going for that type of girl.

just stuff like

a) not having your shoelaces tied really tight & big hoops hangin down so your feet look like boats.

b) clean shoes

c) nice fitting t shirts or shirts (jib fruit of the loom)

d) keep fit, swerve the hanging belly, i dont care what girls say... they like someone in good shape.

to further this, my bird was all over me on holiday coz id put some decent size on, "Ur arms feel massive" then doin growling noises & kept squeezin my arms...

was strokin my ego major ... im never ever goin out of shape, i like that my bird finds me attractive

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