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Guest 22-06-2011 09:35 PM

Thanks Knowledge..

Phil - what sort of Nuts do you mean?

Guest 22-06-2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Knowledge (Post 49809)
If you arent really bothered about building cardiovascular fitness you don't need to work on it to get low bf....plus if you continue to work out muscles and maintain protein while cutting back on calories there will be little muscle loss.... if you do want to build CV fitness but want some variation without doing actual cardio I'd recommend just taking up a sport like football or boxing which is a lot less tedious than cardio....other than that what other people have said is pretty accurate and the diet plan that Phil has said is very good, would not recommend trying to lose fat very quickly as your metabolism is likely to crash making the long term weight loss very difficult.

I want to look muscular but toned and ripped..
I don't mind how fast I lose the fat, but I want to lose it in a decent time scale..
I want to lose the belly first off so that I don't feel like I have to breathe in all the time, and then I want to build up the 6-pack and arms and shoulders so I look awesome..

I'm just thinking whether to blast out cardio like Phil said and also do weights in between? I hate the treadmill but enjoy elliptical and rowing machine..

So prime goal is fat loss, then muscle build after/ in between

Giant 22-06-2011 09:59 PM

How much weight/fat are you trying to lose?
Knowledge is right you don't HAVE to do cardio to lose fat, I just feel it's better for your general health to do some cardio, I usually whack some music on and spend about 30 mins on the crosstrainer (my choice of cardio, like you I hate the treadmill) before doing some weights.
Doesn't really matter what nuts you eat (though peanuts aren't really great), the idea as phil said, is to be putting energy in throughout the day. This keeps your metabolism running at full speed. Also try hemp seeds, though get the shelled ones, they're quite expensive, but full of healthy fats and protein.

Knowledge 22-06-2011 10:03 PM

Honestly the ratio of Cardio:Weights ratio is really unimportant so long as diet is right....many a man has lost fat doing no cardio whatsoever. It's really a case of you might get an extra couple of hundred calories burnt by doing cardio...but dont whatever you do let feeling the need to do cardio make the gym tedious for you.
Doing the elliptical and rowing machine instead of the treadmill won't affect weight loss. I find when I do machines that i enjoy i tend to be able to go for longer anyway so it might actually be better to do those 2 instead of the treadmill.

Guest 22-06-2011 10:17 PM

Well I can prob grab couple inches of fat on my stomach, it bulges out kinda like a pot belly but not SUPER bad.. and my ass is a bit chubby, and my face has gotten slightly more chubby.. But I just wana lose it and look awesome instead and I'm confident of achieving it!

OK I think I will stick to doing weights and occasionally blast out some weighted ab crunches and similar exercises, and after each gym sesh blast out some cardio too on machines I enjoy.. Along with my diet being healthier should be on to a win.

I'm not expecting over night results, I'm enjoying going to the gym often now and my mate wants me to start going with him which is win win for me

Giant 22-06-2011 10:30 PM

Cool, well not too bad then, it won't take that long, I lost 10 stone in just over a year.
The weighted ab crunchs will help your six pack, just mix it up, don't concentrate on just 1 or 2 parts of your body, otherwise you might end up looking unbalanced. I saw a guy with fucked up shoulders in the gym last week, loads of muscle on the front, not a good look.
As long as your eating right and exercising you'll be sorted.

Phil 22-06-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by al_phaD (Post 49811)
Thanks Knowledge..

Phil - what sort of Nuts do you mean?

well natural nuts, any really, but to be fair.... unless ur competing, any nuts will do, just try & not overdo the salt... maybe chilli ones or somthin

Guest 22-06-2011 11:00 PM

Thanks, reason I ask is just cos I don't eat nuts lol.

Phil 22-06-2011 11:04 PM

i LOVE chillied nut

daleinthedark 23-06-2011 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Phil (Post 49828)
i LOVE chillied nut


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