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Default Miss Texas American Queen - 13-05-2011, 10:44 AM

Hello there...this is my first post. Once upon a time I discovered 'The Game' and all its off-shoots like MM etc to conquer my fear of opening and refining how to convey my personality quickly, ruthlessly and stylishly.

I have since been in a 2+ year relationship but feeling very much like I want to get out now so started gaming again....althought Ive found myself with a degree of self-conciousness after being completely out of practice...hence why ive joined this forum.

But thought I would share this, my biggest achievement from over three years ago now...just to highlight how much PUA discussion and techniques can help you. If only for confidence in the first instance...and also to speak of some of my conclusions on women.

It so transpired, that as I picked up the game and began reading through it, page by page, chapter by chapter, the same progression took place with a HB - an 8 by day, possible 9 when made up and on a night out (not current gf btw). Im not exaggerating either. I have photo evidence, of course.

It was my first few weeks of University, having moved to London from rural England, and I was out of my mind with excitement at the amount of girls I could be meeting, spending time with and ultimately having relationships with (mainly purely sexual ones I had hoped). Anyway...ironically, since our game originates from the following beloved country...alot of the HBs were American exchange students on that Erasmus program. First seminar this girl walked in late - and she was out of this world. Naturally beautiful, classy appearance, Texan accent. I was sold instantly of course. She looked smart however, very in fact, and had said some intelligent things in the seminar (I was sitting next to her) but I said nothing. Quietly calm and confident thanks to Neil Strauss....at the end, as we were getting to our feet I said "you didnt look like you enjoyed that very much....".

Anna: "huh? No, I did...it was ok, really." (not looking at me)
Me: "That wasnt stimulating enough for you..."
Anna: (Smiles and long eye-lashes up toward me) "How could you tell?"

We walked out of the room, through campus and all the way down to the halls of residence talking about her brain and amitions (not her looks ofcourse - not one mention) all things America and its contrasts with over here. Plenty of cheeky, cocky negs in there and always laughing after saying. Didnt get her number though.....HUGE ERROR. Why?

Fortunately enough, I saw her again just a few days later on a day off getting on the tube with her friend. We all talked, just before she got off I suggested she give me her number so we can walk up to next seminar we had together. Typed it into my phone....and DIDNT save it. WHAT A TWAT.

But here's my first point...you can get away with being a twat...its humbling. Perfection is NEVER needed. Girls are uneasy of a guy who doesnt appear to have a flaw. They want to to know youre real and not a robot. Even the 8s and 9s. I wrote a note....passed it under her friends door of her halls room saying what a douche I was for not saving it into my phone and giving her mine. She calls me next day and we chatted for ages down the phone. Tells me how sweet that was....and in this conversation something emerged that really put the pressure on that I wish Id never have known until later....we were talking about sterotypical American girls, and how she wasnt one...and
I joked "yeaaah sure youre not....I bet you've done Beauty Pageants and everythin..haha"......
Anna: "I have, actually."
Me:"Oh no youre not Miss Texas or anything are you?"
Anna: "Yes, I am, actually. Miss Texas American Queen 2007."
Me: (Flabergasted)

I went straight back to putting her on a pedestal as I had done with women of such calibre through my teen years, despite being concieved as a pretty boy and a natural with the ladies. One huge difference between English girls and American girls, and probably why this was PUA was so successful, is that they themselves are more confident. PUA is SO much harder in England. Women, and people, in this country are not educated the value of being confident, believing anything is possible, nothing is unreachable....and therefore people are unreachable. Most women in this country are extremely self-concious and lacking confidence, ive found this since subsequently asking out-right 8s and 9s im purely platonic with (now im in a relationship). Say they would NEVER approach a guy, far too scared. If too people are scared of each other before theyve even met, no wonder guys find approaching girl so daunting. Not right is it?

My second point is an unfortunate one. Be aware of circumstance. It just so happened some cool stuff was going on in my life that was huge DHV. (Such as going into studio to record with my band...told her I needed a soothing voice on the phone for breaks from the intensity of it). But its all about portraying the right image. I wasnt her type, all her ex-bfs (showed me on fb) were all huge american football players, stereo-t jocks from high-school movies. I was an athletic shaped, slightly toned football player, skinny in comparison.

Ive forgotten where Im going with this, but I guess this is a good start to my additions to this forum and hopefully my experience (and the others Ive had) will be of use.

We were a couple for four months before she went back to Texas in December. She told me she was in love with me, we went to Amsterdam together, she met my parents - all in that time. I guess reminiscing of this is helping me bring back that confidence without even thinking that ive lost since being in relationship. Need to get it back, with all your's help.
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to elunogrande For This Useful Post:
piers147 (13-05-2011), Rebus (13-05-2011)

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Default 13-05-2011, 12:24 PM

this is a great FR, lovin it

I joked "yeaaah sure youre not....I bet you've done Beauty Pageants and everythin..haha"......
Anna: "I have, actually."
Me:"Oh no youre not Miss Texas or anything are you?"
Anna: "Yes, I am, actually. Miss Texas American Queen"
Me: (Flabergasted)

The Way of The Rebus
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Junior Member
Default 13-05-2011, 12:52 PM

Any questions regarding it, ask away lads.
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Default 13-05-2011, 01:15 PM

I have one.

You talk about "wanting to get out of a relationship".

Why don't you? Are you still in it?
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The Following User Says Thank You to For This Useful Post:
daleinthedark (13-05-2011)
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Default 13-05-2011, 01:20 PM

I am...not that simple. Not like sarging. You can't just 'eject' lol. Forget the relationship bit, thats not of interest to you guys nor any women for that matter!
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Default 13-05-2011, 03:07 PM

That was amusing to read and when you got stung with the beauty pagent line harlirious!

Your comment about english girls was intresting i believe a lot of them have no confideince are low on self esteem and have issues we should blame society or bad parenting the educational system and broken britain with no real core values.
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Junior Member
Default 13-05-2011, 03:49 PM

Seriously, even a HB8 you see in a bar...legs up to her arse in short denim shorts and some classy top in heels looking amazing...shes got low self-esteem. That doesnt mean go and poor compliments on her...because then they think you only want one thing. She just wants to meet someone interesting. I always try to lift self-esteem re: her life, her ambitions....exams and dissertations if a student, work if older.
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Junior Member
Default 13-05-2011, 03:50 PM

I also definitely think there's alot of truth in the old-saying that women look for men like their fathers. They want a father figure...both subconciously in terms of animal instinct for offspring and also to help them with direction and outlook. Someone to turn to when theyre unsure of the answers.
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Post 13-05-2011, 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by elunogrande View Post
I also definitely think there's alot of truth in the old-saying that women look for men like their fathers. They want a father figure...both subconciously in terms of animal instinct for offspring and also to help them with direction and outlook. Someone to turn to when theyre unsure of the answers.
I've heard that this theory is strengthened if the woman has un-resolved Father issues as they try to seek the rapport that they didn't receive as a child...not sure how factual this is though. Good theory!

- JDawg
I won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister
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samster's Avatar
Default 17-05-2011, 04:00 PM

Great field report and loved the Miss Texas response!

"Sometimes you gotta lose to win!"
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