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DaveM2015 07-09-2015 05:37 AM

Things to work on, I probably could have extracted her to my hotel which was just round the corner but it's the classic Dave problem where I leave it too late then they go.

It sounds a bit woo but traveling so far is brilliant. I'm only 4 days in and it is so empowering and calming, for those on a spiritual journey or whatever it's great plus you meet people from all walks of life and get out of your comfort zone!

I just had a great conversation with a 24ish girl on the internal flight, I open by saying hows the magazine she's reading (lame lol) I say there normally full of boring adverts and little content. We chat about itineries, we're both on way to ko phan Ngan Island then she's off to Malaysia, I say I'm doing cambodia next (she's just come from their and gives me loads of tips).

As I type this the blue dress girl from Saturday has just text me saying hey, although I'm now other end of the country lol

DaveM2015 07-09-2015 07:54 AM


So, the girl I opened on the plane was on the ferry, we laugh and chat about the beautiful scenery, and stuff. It really is breathtaking. She has met two girl mates onboard who have flown out just to see her.

There on a bench nearby but she's still at railing chatting to me. She drops in her boyfriend is meeting her in a couple of months but still chatting. I want to get Elenas number but bail and say I'm popping to the bar for a snack, she's says ok but asks what my name is we shake hands.

10 mins later she is at bar too then fumbling with bags near window. I'm in lounge but and after cancelling internal voice walk over and ask for her number and if about we should all meet up. We swap numbers, chat for a but then I head to seat and her her mates. It's funny how a mini conversation on plane can snowball


DaveM2015 12-09-2015 01:24 PM


5 approaches (need to stop being a nice guy)

In first bar chatting and drinking with hostel roommate, 2 cute American girls to my right, I say you look friendly where are you from. It gets good response, chatting for a while, their seated at bar, we're standing, girl1 says they can move down 2 so we can sit down. It's going well, I probably should've pushed it harder. We leave them &head over road to another bar.

3 girls at the bar, I say to one, you look english, they are lol it's going well, my mates getting on very well with one and eventually pulls her back to his dorm.

One of the girls I initiated goes after 15 mins home leaving the hotter one with me. Apparently she liked me and was annoyed her fitter mate kept talking to me lol fit girl going good dancing dirtly later on the floor I try and kiss but she's having none of it even though it was going well, she says 'I think I'm not as drunk as my mate' (her mate who is snogging mine for most of night next to us).

Talked to a few more girls but nothing major.

DaveM2015 12-09-2015 01:27 PM

It would be good to spice up conversations with some sexual reference and talk about things that make me seem more sexual rather than the 'inbetweeners style lovable loser' mode I often slip into.

DaveM2015 15-09-2015 08:55 AM

This is frustrating.

Chat to cute Aussie girl at end of our hostels yoga class in Cambodia (why not lol), we chat for bit, she seems keen, asks if I'm going down to bar. We get pint each chat, then I say heading into town for food does she want to come. Yes.

We're getting on well at dinner, swap facebook. Got to next bar next door, which is Aussie chatting not really doing much kino but of leg grazing. Theres a couple of girls who ask where we're from I talk a bit but not loads to them as don't want to blow it with lauren but in hindsight maybe it would've been good to build up jealousy?

In next bar we get bucket, she's chatting to bar men, offers to help deliver drinks to tables, then at next club she just goes on a podium for next hour while loads of local guys are drooling. We go home later to hostel grab street food and say bye at reception.

She's been liking stuff on my FB page today, maybe she just wanted company for evening or I was a massive pussy and didn't sexualise conversation early enough. This is getting annoying, everything seems so hard at the moment after initial attraction ...

Sugarspin 15-09-2015 08:34 PM

Sounds like you are having a blast and seeing loads mate, that's why you're there, not for women.
I think you already figured it out yourself with your last but one post - escalating and move it forward quick or get the no, loads of girls in every bar.
Tophat a while back was talking about being a little bit creepier than you are used to- it's a perfect opportunity as you won't see any of these people again and there's several every night.
Try verbal/physical escalation try stuff that's out of your comfort zone.
Facebook- why go digital when she's still on the island ffs
tell her she's hot and you want to show her the beach in the moonlight whatever
Hopefully you'll get a better response than this and good luck

DaveM2015 17-09-2015 10:52 AM

Cheers mate that's really helpful, I hope your journey is progressing well too.

I am having a good time on travels as priority, I can honestly say solo backpacking is incredible I'm surprised more people don't do it especially on here (maybe they do? :) it gets you out of comfort, you meet amazing people and become a lot more centred in general.

Last night I went out with vietnam hostels bar crawl, saw cute girl with tats, turns out she's a singer in rock band. I approach and turn on 'creepy mode' as an experience, chatting while a bit of back rub, say tats look hot on her while squeeze arm. She squeezes back, eventually end up snogging after we share shisha and I say let's form smoke tunnel with hands between us, then do one just lips no tunnel then no smoke ha

top-hat 17-09-2015 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by DaveM2015 (Post 96726)
'creepy mode'

Patent pending

DaveM2015 21-09-2015 04:37 PM

Last leg of backpacking adventure in Vietnam.

2 Approaches in Saigon

Approach 1
See homely blonde girl walking towards me, I stop her and ask where the war museum is. It goes well, she's english we chat for about 10 mins, she's leaving in a couple of hours for Cambodia but seems to want the interaction to continue.
I get her number and say bye, I really wish I would've instant dated her for coffee grrr

Approach 2
I'm having lunch on terrace restaurant, 2 aussie girls sit at the table next to me. I leave it a few mins then ask if they've been to the presidential palace as I'm thinking of going there in a bit. They havnt but offer other good advice, we chat for a bit then back to food.
After a few mins one goes to loo and the other reopens me saying do you have to order at bar. We chat for a lot more including when other girl back, end up swapping numbers and saying we should party one night, they agree.

daleinthedark 11-10-2015 04:24 PM

When this thread pops up, it always makes me think Dave is becoming a woman, or was Davina and has recently become Dave...

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