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CovertOperation 09-01-2010 12:28 PM

The covert operations of CovertOperation
I'll dump all my field reports in this thread, to save starting loads in the future. Might also be nice, in time to come, to look back at my progress.

So lets start with last night. First time out in the field since I've started getting back into my game, so I was pretty nervous. I pumped myself up, got myself all ready and 'in state' and all that, walked tall, chest out, etc. Looking back, I put way too much pressure on myself last night. I need to relax a little.

Last night could have been better, for 4 reasons:

1. I got really drunk (only myself to blame)
2. There was a remarkable lack of girls in the club we were in
3. The club was just a massive dancefloor - hardly any chance for talking to girls
4. My mates are from the 'lets stand in a massive circle and dance' school of going out, and none are into PUA.

So chances for approaches were limited. I did get into some banter with a girl in the cloak room, which was fun. She was a really fun girl actually, but not very attractive. I didn't close. Looking back, I wish I'd have number closed her, just for the practice.

Only other approach of the night was at the bar, when I was getting a drink. I negged a girl on her coat, which was like sheepskin: "Hey... Cool coat, but how many sheep sacrificed themselves so you could stay warm tonight?"

I sounded like a f*cking animal rights activist! We talked for 10 seconds, and she got back to her friend. Interaction over.

Thinking back, I didn't think this through properly. She was in a 2 set, she was HB8, her friend HB5 or something. I went straight in for the HB8. Given the state of the people in the club (lacking any attractive women), she was flicking guys away left, right and centre, probably the hottest girl in there last night. She flicked me away as well.

Had I thought about it, I'd have realised she was getting so much attention from guys, and I was just going to be another one. I should have gone in and focussed on the HB5. Got the HB8 working for my attention a little, made myself the prize. But no, drunk and over confident, I steamed straight in for the HB8 and she saw it for what it was. She flicked me away like I flick crumbs off my jeans after I've eaten a biscuit (great analogy, huh).

So that was that. As lame as that sounds, there are some huge positives for me to take from last night:

1. For the first time ever, I felt like I was leading every conversation I was in.
2. I was very consciously 'in the moment' last night. If I felt myself going inside my head, I pulled myself right back out.
3. The banter with the girl in the cloak room was great. First she messed up giving me my ticket for my coat: "Do you do training for your job? Because if I were your boss I'd put you through training again after the mess you've made there!" (delivered with a grin, playfully).

And then later when I went to collect my coat we got talking again. She asked me what I did:

HB: So what do you do?
CO: I'm a professional dolphin shaver.
HB: You're what?
CO: I shave dolphins.
HB: Er... really?
CO: Well have you ever seen a hairy dolphin?
HB: Haha, well I guess not.
CO: That's because people like me get jobs shaving them.
HB: Haha, cool. How do you do that then?

And we rolled into a funny conversation with me describing how I shave dolphins. This is actually a routine I read elsewhere on the internet, but works a treat. And I can talk bullshit for hours, so its fun to play around with. Definitely better than telling her the truth anyway!

So yeah, positives and negatives from last night. I hope the negatives aren't just excuses for inaction, although I fear some might be. But I am on a learning curve. The big thing for me last night was that my AA was a no-show with the girl at the bar. Which is tremendous progress from where I was before Christmas.

So, that was last night. I had a really good laugh with my mates, and woke up this morning with my face in a half eaten kebab. Nice.


michael81 09-01-2010 12:51 PM

good work
Hi fella, well done for loosing the AA and getting out there. Last night might not have gone as well as u planned but you got some positive experiences and learnings from it. You can read all your like about game but nothing beats getting in the field and learning how to deal with different situations, some you win some you loose. Your right about the booze though, your just like all the others lads drunk and trying to get laid so you need to stay sober and be your cool confident self. I learned that myself last year! Nown - go out late 10pm hit a bar sober and enjoy seeing everyone smashed being pricks when you can then hold a conversation and start gaming to the best of your ability. Look forward to seeing your progress mate!

Mycroft 09-01-2010 02:47 PM

Nice post matey.

There are a load of positives to take from that experience.

Drinking is a vice of mine too. Its way too easy to get drunk when all your mates are around. If not from boredom or habit from your friends actively encouraging you.

As far as the hb8 maybe a more direct approach would have worked. You say you want to work your way in through the friend? I'm not sure that's such a great idea. Leaving aside that it will have been tried a million times, is your game good enough to move from the friend to the target? The friend will smell it coming a mile off and become a huge obstacle. No one likes to be used like that. My bet is you end getting off with the friend if anything.

In a club full of drunks, why not be the guy that strolls up and says 'Hi, I don't think we've met, I'm covert operation'? In a situation were she's the only hot girl in the club any approach is going to be a direct approach anyway.

If you don't have the balls for that yet(and neither do I) I'm fond of the old "Hay are you girls rich?" I'm looking for a rich girl to look after me. Buy me drinks, take me out......improv from there. If they really don't want to be approached it will die on its arse but its usually enough to get a convo going.

Simply David 09-01-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13334)
CO: Well have you ever seen a hairy dolphin?

Have you met me yet??


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13334)
Definitely better than telling her the truth anyway!

Naah braah, be proud of who you are, and always tell the truth. Xxx

CovertOperation 09-01-2010 09:05 PM

Depends Dolphin mate, but mind out if you do, you might end up bald as the day you were born!!

RE: The 'telling the truth' thing, obviously I would if she pressed me on it but the 'dolphin shaver' thing seems more fun to talk about than my Uni course, which isn't much fun to talk about!

nova 12-01-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13356)
the 'dolphin shaver' thing seems more fun to talk about than my real job, which is political research. Although I'm sure I could make that sound interesting if I tried hard enough...

If you have a passion for something share it with a girl. They are open to influence from us guys.

CovertOperation 13-01-2010 02:14 PM

Out on my lunch break with 2 wings, one of whom we were meeting for the first time. Had a coffee and talked through our goals. I wanted to try a direct approach, as well as just opening sets (for the time being, my focus is to open sets, and not worry about closing. Baby steps an stuff...).

As we left the coffee shop, I thought 'I could approach and warm up', and spotted 2 girls sitting in the corner. But then I thought, 'Nah, I'll just open when we get outside'.

And then CLUNK! I realise I'm talking myself out of an approach already, which just won't do. So, I pile in, open them indirectly with an opinion opener. The girls weren't too great, but it was good to get talking. Afterwards I felt myself shaking a little, nerves getting to me. It felt fucking great - that's the rush!!!

Out into the street, it was bloody freezing. The streets were very quiet, a mixture of post-Christmas overdrafts and freezing cold weather, and sets were divided between the three of us. I opened 3 more times. The first was a girl walking down the street, who I opened asking whether its best to floss before or after brushing. She said before, but seemed comfortable talking. I was focussing on my body language, talking slowly, expressive, hands out of my pockets, showing ease and comfort.

I then went for what I think is a direct approach. 30 seconds afterwards, I spy a girl coming the other way wearing blue gloves and electric blue tights. I stopped her as she walked past: "Hey, I couldn't let you go past, but you look really cool! I love the whole blue thing you've got going on!"

She smiled, said thanks, and walked on - and I'm assured by one of the wings, looked back a few times with a grin on her face. I think I caught her off guard a little. She seemed slightly shocked. But it feels good to have done it!

A short time after, I opened again: saw a three set coming the other way, so used canned material again with an opinion opener. After 15 seconds of talking to who I thought were 3 x 18 year old girls, I notice they've all got the same white shirts on under their coats. "Umm... Can I just ask how you guys know each other?" I asked.


FUCK I've probably just opened a set of 15 year olds. :D They easily looked 18! Shame...

So, that's my lunchtime sarge. Only openers, I'm focussing on opening and not closing right now. Which probably sounds lame to some of you who are pretty advanced, as does the use of canned material, but that's the boundary I'm with at the moment. I am slowly pushing them back, and will get there soon.

Arranged to meet my wings on Saturday night for my first time on night game with propper wings. Looking forward to that!

Simply David 13-01-2010 02:26 PM

You did good bro, baby steps help to see its not that scary, 2nd time round you'll be running.

nova 13-01-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13535)
I realise I'm talking myself out of an approach already, which just won't do. So, I pile in, open them indirectly with an opinion opener.

Love it mate! Knowing that you were trying to get out of it and fixing this bad thought before you'd even started.


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13535)
So, that's my lunchtime sarge. Only openers, I'm focussing on opening and not closing right now. Which probably sounds lame to some of you who are pretty advanced

Not lame! This is a bigger step than you're giving yourself credit for. Keep at it and you will learn so much from every interaction you get into. The best bit is using your lunchtime as opposed to waiting for the wkd. Taking every spare moment.

DeanoC 13-01-2010 08:35 PM

Was good to meet you today dude. You showed real balls with that first approach and caught me totally off guard, kudos for that!

As a newbie, it was a real eye opener and a positive experience sarging with wingmen rather than as a lone ranger and I'm looking forward to ripping up them clubs on Saturday...I can hopefully use my student dicsount card as well and save a few quid :D

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