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Jynx-Manchester 15-07-2013 09:05 AM

Taking Action
This hasn’t been the best weekend ever! ive split up with my bird again. This time it doesn’t hurt as much because I know the exact reasons for the break up.
When we got back together after splitting up, i told her i was going to do certain things to better myself as a person. They were simple things like...

• going to the gym
• saving money
• not binge drinking
• being a nicer person

Even though the above list is simple and very achievable I didn’t do any of it. I wasn’t a man and i didnt do what i said i would. i just put it all the back of my mind because i had got my girl back. as a result of not taking action i have lost my girlfriend and feel like a failure.

After speaking with Kowalski he suggested that i make simple daily lists and post them here so i make sure i achieve them.

i need to start taking action even if the lists are things like, go to the gym and eat one peice of fruit. as long as i do what the list says ive done something about my life to improve it.

Like Kowalski said, these lists that I will write down and achieve are my thoughts becoming a reality and changing the world.


I have pasted below a selection of a few threads and posts by me over the past few months. Not a single post or thread that I created or commented on got stuck too. I just forgot about it or was too last to take action.

Top tips for dropping cancer sticks - 08-05-2013, 09:15 AM
I bought an E Cig this morning and its helping my craving but I I was just wondering if anyone has quit smoking and how they did it?

I was thinking about going on the tablets or patches but I've never really tried giving up before and in struggling

Tour of Europe - 20-02-2013, 09:41 PM
Ive decided to not go out in Manchester as much from now on and maybe have two weekends off per month to save a little money and spend it on something i want to do. Mancester is starting to get boring and predictable. Me and my mate Danny have decided to try and visit as many places in Europe as we can whilst staying in full time jobs. We will try to visit a different city every month just for the weekend for a chance to explore.

Our main reason for this is because im sick of spending my whole wage getting wasted in manchester and id much rather invest in memorys and experiences.

Over the next few months i will use this thread to keep people up to date on our little trips and let you all know how things go and what i think of the places we visit.

Im not doing this for 'Game' but im sure i will have some awesome field reports on the adventures we will have. im very excited for the European pussy!

First Trip Booked - Brussels, Belguim - 08/03/13 - 11/03/13

Book Worm - 02-04-2013, 11:50 AM
Ey Up

Just wondering if any of you guys could reccomend me a good read... im not to fussed what the books are about but i want to gain something from reading them. i dont want to read anything where at the end i just think.. Ok that was a good story and never think about it again,

i read 2 books last month and want to do the same this month.

i dont really want to read anything on Pick up and theorys because it doesnt really interest me but anything on self improvement could be quite good.

Im not the sharpest tool in the box so big font and not many pages helps. haha

Motivation to lift - 19-06-2013, 09:05 AM
About 2-3 years ago i was pretty much addicted to the gym, i would go as oftern as i could and its was one of my favorite things to do. i got int a relationship and stopped going and now im finding it nearly impossible to get off my arse and go. id rather sit in bed fondling my balls.

At the moment i always feel tired and drained and i think this is because im not doing any excerise atall.

when i get into it there wont be a problem. anyone any advice on how to change my mentality or gain energy to motivate me to go?

Saving Money
10-06-2013, 10:38 AM
i need help with this also, i am terrible with money!

I get paid more than all of my friends by a mile yet 2 weeks into the month and im skint and have to borrow off everyone! im known for being terrible with it.

I spend silly amounts of money on nights out, eating out and general shit that i dont need. i have tried lots of different things to survive the month and it has never worked. i not bothered if by the end of the month i have no money as long as i camn get to the end of the month without borrowing.

I need help guys!!!

Jynx-Manchester 15-07-2013 09:23 AM

My list for today is -

1) I had an argument with a mate on Thursday and I'm going to be the bigger man and arrange a meet to try and rectify the situation. we have been in contact but there is still some tension there.

2) take my dog for her night time walk because I always say I'm too tired and make my mum do it

3) make a start on organising my room so I have a cleaner environment to sleep in

4) drink only water, no tea or coffee just natures juice!

D!ce 15-07-2013 09:33 AM

Good to hear mate, I have a similar problem with spending too much, I've started using an app in Chrome to log all my expenditure, it graphs it all out and shows how much I'm spending on booze and food in comparison to bills and shit. Doesn't do any of the saving for you, but once you realise just how much your spending on shite you start becoming more conscious about it.

Though in fairness my solution to it so far has simply been to just earn more money...

markuk 15-07-2013 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jynx-Manchester (Post 78908)
Top tips for dropping cancer sticks - 08-05-2013, 09:15 AM
I bought an E Cig this morning and its helping my craving but I I was just wondering if anyone has quit smoking and how they did it?

I was thinking about going on the tablets or patches but I've never really tried giving up before and in struggling

I would say throw away anything which gives you nicotine as a replacement for conventional cigarettes.

Smoke normally and read Alan Carr stop smoking.
By the end of the book you will stop smoking, well if you believe in what he says, I did.

I read the book 2 years ago and in the first year had a few drags on a ciggy once when very drunk, since then nothing.

Keep up with the postings.


Lovefish 15-07-2013 12:29 PM

Money wise theres various ways to control it, personally at the start of my month I pay my bills and stick everything else into a savings account. Then I treat the start of the month like the end of the month.I live on a 10er a week pretty much.
Things that helped me were
saving towards something i desperately want ie a car, so when i can be arsed to cook i have to think do i want to have a chinky or a car!!
Writing down the exact amount of money you are getting and planning where every penny goes and keeping track of it.
Have a planned amount to just blow every month so you don't go mad from thinking you have to scrimp.

Lovefish 15-07-2013 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by markuk (Post 78921)
I would say throw away anything which gives you nicotine as a replacement for conventional cigarettes.

Smoke normally and read Alan Carr stop smoking.
By the end of the book you will stop smoking, well if you believe in what he says, I did.

I read the book 2 years ago and in the first year had a few drags on a ciggy once when very drunk, since then nothing.

Keep up with the postings.


I thought that book was bollox tbh it just made me wanna smoke more cos he just kept repeating the same things to the point of boredom. I guess it works for some not for others.
I quit for 3 years on patches and ive been off the fags again a month now using patches and e cig that i was bought.Its the only way ive ever been able to stop ;)
I say go for it Jynx just keep you challenges small and simple, i find i end up giving up if i overload myself 2 quickly.

Jynx-Manchester 15-07-2013 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 78927)
Sounds to me like this bird of yours has ruined you.

What the fuck have you been playing at Jynx?

Yeah mate i think she has, but what can i say.. im in love with the girl. i felt like when we first split up it was confusing and i didnt understand why. when we got back together i told her that i wanted to change in many ways but because we actually got back together none of this took place. even things like tidying my room have poped up because i became to lazy to even do it.

When she would come round for a night in she felt disgusted that she had to sleep in my 'pit'

Telling your girl your going to do something and dont isnt attractive atall, its all come back to bite me in the arse.


Originally Posted by Lovefish (Post 78922)
Money wise theres various ways to control it, personally at the start of my month I pay my bills and stick everything else into a savings account. Then I treat the start of the month like the end of the month.I live on a 10er a week pretty much.
Things that helped me were

With regards to saving money i always start and mean well but i just yet again become lazy and put it to the back of my mind. i always say YES this month i will save but only a week into the month ive started spending irresponsibly.


Originally Posted by markuk (Post 78921)
I would say throw away anything which gives you nicotine as a replacement for conventional cigarettes.

Smoke normally and read Alan Carr stop smoking.
By the end of the book you will stop smoking, well if you believe in what he says, I did.

I read the book 2 years ago and in the first year had a few drags on a ciggy once when very drunk, since then nothing.

Keep up with the postings.


i need to focus on small things at the minute to help myself get into a routine of having a thought and actioning it. smoking took up alot of my brain power and fond it hard to focus on anything else in my life

D!ce 15-07-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jynx-Manchester (Post 78930)
i need to focus on small things at the minute to help myself get into a routine of having a thought and actioning it. smoking took up alot of my brain power and fond it hard to focus on anything else in my life

Absolutely mate, making too much change in one go just isn't sustainable, making small behaviour amendments will slowly over time improve your habits and overall result in a noticeable big difference to your lifestyle, even if you don't pick up on it straight away. But that's the point really, you need to do it in a way that an ideal behaviour doesn't seem strange to you, and the only way of doing that is to break habits which takes a lot of fucking effort.

Shahanshah 15-07-2013 07:54 PM

Good luck, you got what it takes, you're at a good point where you'll have the motivation to do it too.

Hustler25 15-07-2013 07:57 PM

A good way to save money is just to become a smarter consumer, look for the best deals, decipher between what is necessary and what is not. I like to be a little 'Anti-capitalist' also, I enjoy walking past a McDonalds untempted and giving a silent but gratifying 'Fuck you' to Ronald as his overweight patrons stare gormlessly out of the window munching on a Big Mac.

Capitalism likes to make you feel insecure that you NEED 'X' product to fill a whole in your life, it's a rigged game that most people sleepwalk through. Smarten up a bit.

I remember a great quote from Tyler Durden in Fight Club;

'Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.'

Sums it up perfectly.

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