Thread: London Winger
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Jalkey Jalkey is offline
New User
Default London Winger - 22-03-2016, 06:51 AM

Lf someone to practice day game with. Bounce of each other for motivation & otherwise push each other gently through not being alone.

Just turned 24 here, laid back, but never got into the modern day crowd. I.e. I don't go clubbing, I don't go pubs, don't socialize much at all etc. Think of me like a nerd with the presentation of someone that's not a nerd...

Anyway, my game plan is day game. My intent isn't getting laid though, I'm just finding a partner whilst having a good time though no qualms whatever your intent may be.

PM me or whatever if you'd like to see what we can come up with together. My time schedule is ... virtually anytime.
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