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The Omm The Omm is offline
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Post 1 Month in the Game - Where do guys often go wrong? - 21-03-2016, 11:53 AM

Ok, so, I've been into this stuff for just over a month. No I haven't got laid from it! I'm a hard case, I felt like I didn't deserve girls and that I basically just had to wait for the girl to come to me... NOOOO! After hours of watching online videos I've been going out a minimum of once a week. Sometimes twice. Not much right? Well, my social circle is very much a 'stay in the same bar' kinda group. So I'm out doing this stuff alone...

From only a month I've learned a lot and here's where I feel I (and guys in general) fail on when talking to girls;

- Entitlement
- Comfort Building
- Fear of escalation


Entitlement is really what we feel we can get. Do we deserve that 10 over by the bar? Or should we play it safe with a 6? GO FOR THE 10. We need to start believing that we do in fact deserve the 10's. It's easy to say that, but how do we trick our brains? We get proof. Our brains work off of proof not promise. Go and talk to a 10 and don't even care about getting her number or pulling her. Focus on how you feel and what she will get out of talking to you. You'll tend to find that they'll talk to you if you're free from outcome. They can kinda sense you don't want anything from them and usually that's new to really gorgeous girls.

Comfort Building

So, you've opened, you feel confident in the conversation and then you go for the number... BAM. She shuts you down. Why? You've created attraction, but not comfort. She doesn't trust you enough. Its subconscious. This is where I fail and I'm trying to get around it. Mystery really talked about MOVING the girl. So what this means is, if you open at the bar, move her to a different part of the club or venue. A seat or a quieter spot, the smoking area for example. Then just talk as you would normally, escalate to touching her, see how she reacts to your touch. Hand holding is a good way of building that comfort. Don't squeeze her hand and cut off the blood flow! Just gentle guys! Moving her makes her feel like she's experienced more with you, which will really help if you're gonna go for the pull.

Fear of Escalation

MY biggest problem. I'm very scared to ruin what I've got going on. As soon as I start to worry about ruining it, the girl gets scared! On one hand if you escalate and she doesn't like it, take two steps back and keep the conversation going! She'll respect that a lot more than some guy who shouts 'What the fuck?!' in her face. On the other hand, just don't worry. You're in a club! Find another girl! Choose from abundance. Obviously try with this girl until you really fuck up, but she's not the only girl of the night. It's all field experience. Don't be scared to fuck up. Fuck ups are how we learn! Take risks.
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