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Default 24-12-2015, 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by J.Daniels View Post
Insecure? Not particularly. I'm not the one paying another guy to tell me how to get girls, and then blaming that guy because I still can't do it.
That doesn't make any sense.

You would have to be insecure to use that advice; because one would have to feel threaten by the present of another male in order to believe that acting like a cunt is a good idea.

It reminds me about the advice Mystery gave Neil Strauss at the start of "The Game". If a guy starts trying to compete for the same girl you just walk away. Because you are the prize. Fighting over her makes her think she is the prize. You have options; there is loads of other women around. If she wants to be with you, then she will chase after you.

Originally Posted by J.Daniels View Post
Spending money on coaching from a pick up artist or any other kind of "coach" related to dating is moronic in itself. Did you expect to magically fuck any girl you wanted because you attended a quick RSD seminar? Don't be silly. Every "coach" gives their best material for free, fact. The only way that paying for some sort of coaching would improve you, is because you've put money on the line and you don't want it to be for no reason so you're suddenly motivated to actually take action - meaning you had it all along, you just had to throw some money away to use it.
That doesn't make any sense as well.

I have never been on a boot camp in my life. But I do have a crap load of books. Half of which I haven't read. Simply because I'm lazy. I prefer audio books and DVDs.

I like PUA openers and routines. Because it acts as a spring board to build confidence.

All the girls, I have been with. Have been with me because of me. But if I feel lost, I can always fall back on a routine. I can always open, because I don't need to fear that I won't know what to say. I will always support this stuff; because it makes me feel more relaxed knowing it's in reserve.

There is a audio book I have call "The leader's guide to storytelling - mastering the art and discipline of business narrative" by Stephen Denning. In it he talks about the importance of sharing stories and experiences. That's why I will always support this PUA stuff. Because having a guideline is better than nothing.

The fact is; you can never be prepared for everything. Because no two moments of time is the same. This is due to the second Law of thermodynamics and Entropy.

so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Last edited by drop collision; 24-12-2015 at 09:40 PM.
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