Thread: The Game
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Default 20-11-2015, 10:17 AM

I don't like Neil Strauss, he stole 540 dollars from me. What happen is, I got one of his packages from his web site. Which did turn up. but then he started taking out 90 dollars from my bank account every month. when I clocked this, I emailed him, asking why and he said that I was joined to his web site. And in return I get a magazine and DVD every month. The only problem is that the magazine and DVD ever turned up. When I question him, he said the post man must have stolen it. This went on for six months until I canceled my credit card. He must think I'm stupid, it's basically the classic e-bay scam. Honestly, I don't have the money to sue him.

The fact is, his web site is set up in such a way to maximise profit and bleed you dry. I think he is a horrible nasty person. Thinking this, now reread his book and see how he managers to insult absolutely everyone in the community.

And he is so fake. Considering how he spends so much time bragging about A-list celebrities; it's strange how he has never dated any A-list celebrities.

"The Game" should only be read for a outline of what goes on in the community. Even though in ever interview Neil Struass likes to think the book is about him. It's not. the main character is "Mystery". Neil is just the conduit to Mystery. That and the fact that Neil just goes round ripping off everyone and reselling their material for an extortionate profit.