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Default 29-10-2009, 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Currently when a girl tells me she has a boyfriend I'm
in a 'What a strange thing to announce?', or 'I have a brown sofa' type mindset. Unless I've tried to kiss her and she's said 'I can't because I have a boyfriend' I think it is a pretty random thing to say.
You've got a good point here. Some girls (the drunk girl from my course for example) mention it far too early and at an inopportune moment, leaving you thinking "oh that's nice, whilst we're making random statements of fact, we have a cat called Juan". For me, making this statement this early only says one thing: "I'm trying to get this in early so if I end up being attracted to you/giving you my number it's your fault since I already told you I have a boyfriend".

As for them being too much work, I agree again. The problem is (believe it or not) the type of girls that are actually fun to chat up are few and far between, especially students. Maybe it's a southern thing. Southerners (most Bristol students are from London and Surrey) do tend to be less chatty and friendly and are harder work to talk to. Ordinarily I'd say fuck 'em, but this doesn't leave me with a lot of choice! Besides, don't forget I'm after anything but a relationship so personality isn't important. I think it'll be about picking out the fit ones that are either unhappy in a relationship or are single and finding a way of chatting them up. Maybe just do a Juggler and power through!

Trainspotter, I definitely recommend Bristol as a place to come to university. It's a freaking wicked city. The uni is a bit gash though - high up on the league tables but only because it's a well-established, "red brick" uni. In terms of student support and satisfaction it's fucking awful. Girl wise it's good, but there are far too many girls that could come under the umbrella of "boring/with a borefriend". I'd put it down as a choice, but if you get the choice, go to Leeds. My mate lives up there and is having the time of his life.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do

Last edited by Blanca; 29-10-2009 at 04:34 PM.
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