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tat tat is offline
Default 22-03-2015, 04:02 PM

Hope you get my understanding of stupidity, that it is an unthinking (not their own thinking, though they don't know that) functioning of a person. People bandy stupidity about a lot, and its meaning has been lost in that. I have asked people to define it, and they cannot. But think of functioning whilst drunk and that is what it is, imo.

The next on the list is PROJECTION. This can be two ways. The first is when someone projects out an image onto the world which they want the world to notice and regard them as. It could be a bohemian hippy, or whatever.

The other way that people project, and this is the one we are concerned with here, is when people project a belief or idea about another person onto that person. so they just project, like a projected photographic image, the 'face' of a a villain upon you, and you are then seen and regarded by them as being a villain. They can project anything upon you, whatever they feel. This happens a real lot, especially if they are stupid, because they have been programmed to believe that A = B, which has to mean C.

My mate said it once, that people believe what they want to believe.

Why do people project? This is because it does in some way make things easier for them, make it all add up for them. It make them get what THEY want, ie what their SELF wants, so if they are stupid and selfish, then it becomes potent.
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