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tat tat is offline
Default 30-12-2014, 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by Redemption View Post
Awful head shape. 7\10
The head shape does nothing for me, either, in fact absolutely nothing of this picture does anything at all for me...nothing, not a drop.

I wonder if it truely does for anyone. I mean, it is just a stereotype, a 'safe' expression for a person to commend it.

I will get posting pictures when i have practiced, and I'll show you just what it is all about.

Jaz, thanks very mugh for the help.

Redemption, I think we somehow confused a young Alison Steadman with an old Liz Smith! Ha, ha, funny is that. A gem. Steadman is in Hard Labour, and plays a narcissistic young wife. Smith plays the mother of Steadman. It is an interesting film as it concerns narcissistic abuse. The father is the abusive one, and this has clearly had an effect on his eldest daughter (Steadman), as she is more than assertive, she is bossy and got a control complex. I think this was Leigh's first film. It is the best, I feel.

Shahanshah, I'm sorrry but I wasn't able to see what it was you posted. All I get it a little white box with a red cross in it. It's annoying for us both.

Whoever it was that was going on about trolls.....what a bag of crap, man. Just because you don't understand something. Yes, it is pleasant to have your own beliefs re-affirmed by others of like thinking, but that is all you come away with, which is fine as long as it is balanced by something new and valuable, that you come away at the end of the day richer and better. I'm not the re-affirming type, perhaps; I am more of the imaginative type, a pioneer. Sometimes i don't even know exactly where i am myself. But you should just go with it. As an example, my friend, I was on about enjoying that woman's foot. You would just jump on that and snuff it out, but if you applied some allowance and space and time you would find that where it was going was to suggest that maybe it is a good thing to like a little special part of a woman. It can be a nice secret between you which brings you closer together, because it is not tits or pussy (mainstream), it is unusual and unique to you both. It is harmless, it is flattering, it is also FUN. This pick-up-artist title given to this area of lovers , the title suggests something or an insincere con game. I could never stoop so low. For me it is, be them short or long term, about spreading happiness and feel good, it is care and concern, not abuse..lovers being loving. But that foot example, it is nothing new, but we forget about it in our relationships; it is not new because people do have pet names for eachother, and pet places about eachother they like, and pet things they like. It is a very good thing to be doing.

Last edited by tat; 30-12-2014 at 10:25 AM.
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