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Sugarspin Sugarspin is offline
Default meeting women and fundamental issues - 27-10-2014, 02:43 PM

I haven't been actively trying to meet women for nearly 2 the summer I had some great adventures and really memorable dating experiences.
Fucked two of the best looking women ever had, turned down more than I slept with for various reasons, was being more courageous getting numbers, dates fairly easy.

My vibe was social, not being out just to meet women, but being courageous and taking opportunities.

I also found more emotional maturity,- one girl I could have had who looked like Minnie driver ( hot to me) after a few dates I knew she wanted a serious bf. I could have carried on, got another lay, but I knew it wouldn't have been honest as she had stated clearly her intentions and it wasnt congruent. As much as I wanted to fuck her i derived as much satisfaction from that one by being honest.
I also knew with confidence more would cone soon,

I've always thought there are certain key things in life which need to be in place or you experience stress and lack of stability rg.
Decent place to live
Friends etc.

I have been out of work for a while.
Back in the summer I was telling myself it didn't matter re: women but I am not feeling that now.
I don't know if it is a slight confidence blip, slightly lower self esteem or subconsciously realising that women are not a priority right now.

Have you been in the situation where a 'pillar' has been out of sync?
Did you push on anyway and not let it affect your dating?

I tried to tell myself it didn't matter but I wonder if I am deluding myself.
What is bugging me slightly is the idea that the longer I leave it the harder it might be to get back to that confidence and satisfaction I found in the summer, with women and dating.

Also I feel like I am missing out on adventures that could be bringing excitement to life as an extra blow besides not having a job.

Anyone been in a similar situation?
Any thoughts appreciated.
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