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Shahanshah Shahanshah is offline
Default 20-10-2014, 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by Phenom View Post
You're missing the point markuk.

I get the impression that Broadsword has realised that pussy just isn't the priority for him he once thought it was.

I've seen an evolution in his posts. He's gone from a whiny bitch first post where he thought his all his problems were other peoples fault to a guy who feels much happier about his place in the world. With or without a throng of chicks all vying for his cock or not!

I asked him how he feels about himself since joining this forum to the present day. He hasn't responded yet but if he does and he say's he feels much better about himself, then the forum has done it's job and helped a guy gain a better understanding of his dating issues, and subsequently felt happier as a result.... which is why we all come somewhere like here in the first place.

Weird that you get the vibe he feels to good to chase girls? Give the guy a break, he seems happy doing his thing.
Nah this is wrong. Avoiding your issue as a way to feel happy is stupid. Anyway if all you care about is being content and happy go find some hippy well being forum. This is a dating forum. It'd be like joining a bodybuilding forum and saying you're fine not going to the gym and dieting - and you had muscular dystrophy.

Or being unemployed your entire life and saying you're career is sorted because you signed on and have no ambition to get a job. I'm the first say Broadsword is a normal person which puts him in the good 1% of PUA.

If you have a deficiency you have to compensate or at least address it.

You need a rough plan or mindset:

I will go out every weekend and approach 12 girls and at least ask them for their number. I will also go out during the week unless I'm on a date or doing a proactive hobby.

I will meet up with people off forums and/or hang out with 'cooler' people I know who chat to girls.

I will join dating sites and message X amount of girls

My feeling is that a plan like that would help him for the first month just to pop your cherry of it all before going into a more normal yet consistent approach.

If you really feel like dating isn't a big deal at all in your position maybe you're asexual.

Know Thyself.

Have fun.
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