Thread: The List
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Blanca Blanca is offline
Default The List - 20-10-2009, 03:25 PM

Now I know that this is social suicide amongst guys, but I'm gonna come out and say it. I'm a huge Friends fan. Ok there I said it.

Anywho, I was watching an episode the other day, where a couple of the friends talk about a "list". Essentially, the list comprises 5 famous people who if you meet, you're allowed to have sex with and it doesn't count (for relationship purposes). I thought it'd be a laugh to see some of yours so I'll get the ball rolling:

In no particular order:

1) Katherine Jenkins (she obeys the rule of girls called Katherine/Kathryn - I know about 10 girls with this name and they are all smoking hot)

2) Sophie Ellis Bextor

3) Samia Smith (off Coronation Street)

4) Shania Twain (when she was in her 20s)

5) Myleene Klass

It changes constantly but there it is. Feel free to add your own, or comments about mine. Or my love of Friends. Although be warned, if any man comes on here and says he's never so much as had a chuckle whilst watching Friends, I simply won't believe him.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
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