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Phil Phil is offline
Starcastle Champion
Default 06-06-2014, 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by Lucy View Post
Thanks for the heads up Phil, but that's really not why I'm here. PUA is very much a peripheral issue that pops up occasionally in my coaching, certainly not where my niche is. It's easy for women to get cross and disenchanted by PUA, but I'd like to understand it better, and get to know some of the people that use it. It's a really dumb thing to attack or disregard something without truly knowing it, so I'm hoping to get a deeper understanding. I get you guys could feel it's an intrusion having a woman on the forum - sorry if I've ruffled feathers, and I really am grateful for the welcome.
its not an intrusion ... just trust mean when i say

ITS NOT SOMETHING OF VALUE. u can't get a better understanding thats the point.

the whole thing was written to make men think about thinking so they buy more books.

shit like

"if a girl isn't giving u her number u need to micro calibrate more, we have this new book on micro calibration"

"if she doesn't sleep with me you didn't use the cool super mage technique which is found on our new bootcampl for just £999.99 for 45 mins"

if u want some better understanding of how to create attraction in women look at david de angelo 66 laws.

women like

Men who are men
men who are not controlling but take control
men who offer security
men who make them laugh.
men who don't hide their sexual intent.
men who treat them well but who could be the antithesis.
they like men who are interested, but not that interested.
women like a challenge
women like men who don't just put up with their shit
someone who will put them in their place.

all the other crap is just bollocks.

the above is all u need.

now get to my million pound mansion where I'm doing a stand up comedy show about how much i love sex. ill buy u a bottle of wine but not a dead expensive one. Ill have u a dance off ( which i will destroy u) but don't bother giving me shit or i will send u home.

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