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Shahanshah Shahanshah is offline
Default 29-05-2014, 06:21 PM

Last night me and some friends from home went out in Manchester: 5th Ave, oh yes that old chesnut, I haven't been there in months. This was my first night properly chatting up girls and approaching in mooooonths. I was out with three people; a girl, her boyfriend and a mate. We all get along which is great but there was an odd group dynamic that I guess I'll reveal as I write.

Pre-drinks and we get the train to manchester, I'm feeling good. The girl says she's never seen me make-out in the club before and wants to see it. Im like "Uhhh sure if thats what you want" whilst a brass band play "S Club 7" in the background of the train. Pretty odd.

We get in the club, I've had about three drinks so sober as fuck, its early too so there's no queue and an empty, spacious club that's an eye sore on the sober sight. Waiting for my mates to get a drink, I haven't done any of this shit in months minus a few when Im completely smashed, interactions that went nowhere. I see two girls to the side of me, I pivot around "Hey" and the conversation is going well. They were cool girls, something I've missed from being in my local university town where every girl is a gob-shite (I actually figured out a reason as to why that is). I didn't escalate or any shit but looking back I should have took a number. If the conversation goes well or they don't fuck off after two minutes, you should always get a number.

I've also found in general its a good idea to sorta become a part of their gang or they become a part of your gang rather than this rigid 'pick-up' type thing. I can't actually remember all the chronology of the night, not that I was wasted but my memory is awful and when I'm out Im not really thinking or storing away events and their meaning etc.

On the dancefloor in the bunker a girl in the green top dances near me and looks over, I think I had a little "Weeyyy" thing with her, also a girl in a red dress, she was really hot actually and hooked but I didn't escalate. She wanted to go back to her friends but i think on reflection I almost made it too obvious about the fact she was leaving her friends to speak to me. Again join her friends or they join your friends.

Started speaking to some American girls, my friend was looking bored so I got him with the hottie and spoke to bigger gal (She was a red head which made up for it) she was aiight to talk to but didn't take to any of my advances, still I don't think I was aggressive enough. Reason why I need to go out more in this style, and push myself.

In fact even half the girls who I spoke to were hooked but I didn't escalate properly or get their number. Anyway the girl I saw on the dancefloor I spoke to her friend later, then her again later then made out. My friend took a picture and she was like "Now I've seen you do it, I have proof but it was kinda disgusting", what did you expect? Toby Maguire Spiderman kissing upside down in the rain? Anyway yeah I did a lot, even by myself when everyone was out having a fag which is something I always found hard.

That's the thing, sometimes I get too cocky and think I have no 'AA' so when I feel any resistance to approaching or escalating I don't compared to my earlier days where I'd go for it like a maniac jumping into the unknown.

Some girl was proper bitchy with me because I made a comment on her hen-do shirt (young fucking hen-do, kids these days).

Anyway later on in the takeaway (After a gay man accused me of punching him, which is a fucking long story in and of itself) the proper bitchy girl came behind me in the queue and we're chatting as normal, so Im like "Wtf you were a right bitch in there after I made an innocent comment on you. She apologised and said "she was getting that comment all night but really did have a boyfriend" we have a chat in the queue, I suggest the kebab by saying "Get a kebab, get a kebab, no a kebab, fuck pizzas, get a kebab", she gets a kebab. They were the worst, smallest kebabs of my life. Do not get kebabs from the takeaway outside 5th Ave.

After I see another red head I'd spoken to in 5th earlier start chatting, I remember her bitchy friend dragged her away from me when I think I had a mini-tug of war with her (or that mighta been another girl, I had some crazy tug of wars with bitchy-friends) but this time she just stood behind us, watching, just going "jesus christ", "UH", "Fucking hell", "Oh my god" at everything I said.

Luckily her friend was loving it, at one point she was like "Don't even give me those eyes", her food got called up and went to get it, I went up to the friend and said "Deep down you're a nice person really. I can tell". She's still a bitch but after that she was really nice to me and got all giddy. Attention and affection. They love it.

I got her number then me and my mates got a taxi home. Oh and I got a girls 'Name' LOL in the club, the one I made out with, she had lost her phone and only had facebook. I only took it as a 'what is there to lose' type scenario but she's been mesaging me on Facebook since. And the other girl has been texting me.

It was a good night, this night and the last saturday night have made me realise what I've been missing. The parts where I was by myself when my mates were smoking made me realise I can approach when alone which is partly why I'm a little scared of going out alone (I have nowhere to stay and earliest train is 6am!!) so I don't wanna be stuck in Manchester all night, or in a club bored all self conscious.

Know Thyself.

Have fun.
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