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Default yesterdays highlight... - 28-04-2014, 08:14 AM

some of yesterdays happenings

hottie on train with her bf - we are totally aware of each other as we move towards the doors.. she decides to lightly fall into me while getting off the train and cheekily utters "I've fallen for you".. bf next to her totally hears, and I shortly respond with an indifferent "literally..". I move off and eventually end up being stood between her and her bf on escalator while she stands behind me totally checking me out. I can tell her bf aint happy and i just turn to look at him direct in the eyes with an attitude of 'I'm unafraid of you, I'm totally cool with this - its about your girlfriend bro, sort it out...'

Your damn right that sleeping with a girl who has a boyfriend is bad karma!

properly fuckable/dateable girl on acting course (there are at least 3)

yesterday we were happily swapping stories for a good ten minutes, including mobile phones getting wet near the shower (me).. being in the bath and condensation on touch screen (her) and wish she would stop following me to the secluded toilet.. about 2 minutes after I go. I mean that's twice in two weeks now. haha

turns out she is only 18!!! and made a cheeky comment about having to get her a birthday cake for her 19th in July...

its a spontaneous, comfortable thing with loads of eye contact, so I said goodbye to some of the other girls and left without saying anything to her - (bastard mode)

this may lead somewhere or not.

who cares, she would make a good friend lol

Last edited by progression; 28-04-2014 at 08:31 AM.
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