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Default 14-10-2009, 01:51 PM

Interesting... Haven't seen anything on the speed seduction stuff before, not the approach I'd choose, it does seem a bit underhand for my tastes - however some good points to take away and well written

On the subject of tonality - I think it's massively important, (apparently) over 50% all communication is bodylanguage, over 20% voice tone and about 7% what we actually say

Nonverbal communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Being relaxed, good posture, facial animation - being in a good "state" is often described as the key factor (learnt from experience and effective modeling) which seperates a natural from a wannabe - these guys just naturally subcommunicate their alpha qualities, unphased by beauty, strong realities, get get their needs met etc...

From personal experience working on my voice tone, well lets just say that David Shade is a leg..end - effective use of voice tone communicates sooooo much, especially when escalating and things are getting hot and steamy - get your voice so it vibrates deeply and resonating haha powerful stuff!

Also from a public speaking standpoint, or opening a group - comfort...tone, speed etc... makes us more interesting to listen too!

Likewise from going dancing, working on posture (loosening up, standing tall) and doing Rob's special stretches Code Of The Natural - Attraction Body Language
has helped my game massively by improving what I subcommunicate!!

The reason some guys (naturals - experienced PUA's) can say anything - and it just works?!?! is due I believe to what they sub communicate - including tonality, facial expressions, body language etc... (PUA has internalised routines, experience etc..)

So beyond improving our life, activities, goals, dreams, hobbies and ultimatley ourselves... Maybe we should work first and foremost on body language...then voice tone... then "pickup lines" ?

Hows that for devils advocate
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