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BroadswordWSJ BroadswordWSJ is offline
Default 28-01-2014, 08:04 PM

Stonecastle - irony I got this today. This is why I hate PUA gurus. At least read the first part - the rest will be TL;DR. Read this ansd tell me this isn't just pure sales, that someone could really learn 43 texts that will get them any woman, and that they will really only publish 300 copies......I hope his $7,000 VIP students got it to work.


Nearly four months ago, it happened...

The biggest launch in PUA Training's history.

Thousands of men from all over the world
stormed the servers in an effort to claim one
of the 1,000 access passes to our ground
breaking program...

"43 Texts That Guarantee Sex"

The program sold out in just hours and ever
since then, the doors have been slammed shut.

No matter how much you offered us...

A space in the program just wasn't available.

It wasn't fun (or easy) turning away so many
guys at the gates...

But we had to ensure the results of our charter

And boy did we do that.

The results came fast and furious and were
unlike those of any other program we had
released before.

Just HOURS after we launched, the first
success story hit my gmail inbox.

A 29 year old gentleman from San Jose,
California had used message 37 from the
program (and a few others that follow...) to
turn up the heat on a girl who had "friend
zoned" him for years.

He slept with her that night.

In the days that followed, dozens more emails
came flooding in.

Tales of conquests from guys who had used
the "resurrection" texts to turn old stale phone
numbers into late night romps...

Others from guys who used the naked-selfie
getting routine to get girls sending photos.

And even more from guys who were using the
quick-set method to grab numbers in seconds
and then turn them into solid hook up
prospects with a few simple messages..

Usually, when I put out a program, there's a
period of time when students are out in the
field learning and mastering the techniques.

But this time, it was different.

This time, the results were damn near instant.

And that's why I'm so excited to announce
that in just a few day's time...

We're going to get the fun started again.

You see, I've spent the past four months
working closely with the program's charter
members to ensure their success...

And now, I'm confident that these guys can
absolutely *kill it* on their own.

Which is why I'm now ready to open it up to
a new group of students.

The Return of "43 Texts That Guarantee Sex"

This coming Thursday, January 30th, at 2 PM
PST (5 PM eastern) we're going to be going
"live" with the program once again.

This time, because of my tightening schedule
and increased time commitments, we'll be
letting in a new class of just 300 students.

I certainly hope you'll join me.

If the rapid sell out the first time... and the
emails I get every day asking to join are any
indication of demand...

Then you're going to want to be ready when
we go live.

I'll have all of the program information for
you when we open up registration on
Thursday at 2 PM PST (5 PM eastern).

But if you want to get some background on
the program so you can decide to take part in
this ahead of time then I encourage you to
check out the piece I wrote in the lead up to
the initial program launch back in early

I've republished it below for your convenience.

I'll be in touch soon


Republished From October Newsletter

As you know, my life's work has consisted of
developing monumental breakthroughs in
interpersonal communication. For years I've
slaved away at my craft.

Developing rapid escalation methods...

Dangerously effective "closing" patterns...

Non-verbal arousal inducing techniques...

And more.

The goal has always been the same:

To engineer the perfect set of methods and
techniques to allow my students to take things
from first glance... to the no-pants-dance... in
as little time as possible... with the maximal
amount of consistency.

And up until the start of this year, I thought I'd
pulled the stitching as tight as I possibly could.

I thought I'd gotten the science of seduction
down to it's most pure and potent form.

(If you follow Breaking Bad... many consider
my Stealth Attraction Techniques to be the
"Blue Meth" of the Seduction World...)

But I was wrong.


It was early January and I'd just landed in New

I'd flown over 3,500 miles to meet a man who
I was told I *HAD* to meet.

According to my good friend (and one of the
best pick up artists I know...) this guy had a
steady rotation of nearly one dozen of New
York's HOTTEST models.

What's more...

This guy hardly EVER ever left home; except
to meet up with a girl one-on-one for a drink
or to spend time at her place.

Now, in any major city you'll have a handful
of guys who go out night-after-night and put
in literally thousands of hours of work to
become a "local celebrity" and always have
*something* lined up in terms of hook ups.

But this guy was - according to my friend -

And so we met.

January 4th, 2013 9:15 PM -

We sat for maybe a half hour, shooting the
shit, getting a feel for one another.

As I sat there, serious doubts about this guy's
seduction abilities started to creep into my

He was nice enough - sure - but NOT well

His body language and demeanour were not
like any of the other master naturals - or even
trained PUA's - I'd ever met.

And his eye contact was off - with him
repeatedly glancing down at his phone every
few moments.

So when I saw him spring up to approach a
5'10 model-type brunette about an hour into
our meeting...

I wasn't really that surprised to see that...


His opener was clumsy. He spoke too quickly.

And his body language was a mess.

And I wasn't the only one who had doubts
about him.

The girl who he was "kicking game" to looked
EQUALLY as unimpressed.

Her hips were turned away from him. The
look on her face disinterested. And it seemed
like at any moment she'd let him know that
enough was enough.

Nonetheless, he pushed forward.

He grabbed her number in what seemed to be
like a last ditch effort to make something

And as soon as he did... she hurried off to
grab her friend and move on to another
venue... without him.

Now, I've watched literally tens of thousands
of interactions.

I have a very carefully trained eye for this

And when I say that I gave this a 1 out of 10
on the "what are his chances?" scale...

Well, that would be an understatement.

So you can imagine my surprise when roughly
an hour later he glances down at his phone,
smiles, angles it up towards me and shows


...with a few smiley faces thrown in for good


Just one hour earlier this girl was
COMPLETELY disinterested.

And now she's blowing up his phone with
naked photos.

This is something that takes most girls weeks
or even MONTHS to start doing...

And that's when they *LIKE* you!

I was in disbelief.

I asked him what the hell was going on.

And he responded with a shrug and...

"Yeah, this sort of thing happens a lot"

He began scrolling through his chat log on his

Showing me dozens of photos like the one
he'd just received.

And literally hundreds of text messages from
girls telling him "what they'd like to do to

And in that moment I realised what this guy
was all about.


He had shitty body language (by PUA

No tact in opening.

And couldn't get a girl laughing while "in set"
for his life.

But he knew how to work his text game like
I'd never seen before and this guy had literally
turned his cell into...


I was stunned.

I mean sure, I'd heard a lot of guys talk about
being able to do crazy stuff with text messages.

But whenever I'd actually checked in to

The stories were always 100x better than the
actual results.

I'd basically written off texting as a means of
attraction building, escalation, and closing.

But in that moment I realised I was wrong.


About the whole damn thing.

The problem wasn't texting...

The problem was that no one out there who I'd
ever met (my self included) was texting the

And this guy had MASTERED it.


So I started peppering him with questions.

"Why'd you send this message there?"

Again, another shrug...

"You know man, I just, send this one when
she seems like she she likes me but she's got
another guy in her life..."

And at that moment I knew that this was
going to take a while - way longer than one

So we arranged to embark on a month long

We'd meet every evening after he was done
with work.

And we'd go through every text.

We'd reverse engineer everything he'd figured

Catalogue it all.

If we were able to figure it out together - and
actually get it in writing so we could share it...

He'd be the guy responsible for the biggest
breakthrough our community has seen in

And I'd be able to give my students the most
potent seduction technology I'd ever

Not to mention, use it for my self.


Every evening, for the next month, we met.

Spending hour after hour, night after night,
poring through thousands of his text message

His apartment looked like a mad scientist's

Large scrolls of white construction papers
were plastered across his apartment walls...

With notes and theories as to why it was all
working so well for him, scribbled in magic
marker every which way.

There were a lot of false starts.

A lot of things which didn't seem to line up.

He had literally HUNDREDS of conversations
going on simultaneously at any given time.

And each one of them was slightly different.

But as we went through more and more of his
text messages seductions...

It became clear.

This guy had a FORMULA

He just didn't KNOW he did.

But he had it.

And I Cracked It.


Turns out...

This guy really only had 43 messages he'd

That's it.

He'd modify them, so that he literally had
thousands of variations...

But at its core there were just 43 messages.

These 43 "types" were sitting up there in his

...Put there through trial and experimentation...

And he'd simply pull the right message...

For the right type of girl...

At the right time....

And like pulling a slot machine lever, when
he'd line these three up, the responses he'd get
were almost too good to be true.

I'm talking girls asking to come over...

Sending naked pictures...

Even breaking up with their boyfriends just to
get in some time with him.

It was all so simple:

Match The Right Message...

To The Right Type Of Girl...

And Press "Send" At Exactly the right time.

Everyone else had failed because they were
sending out one-size-fits all stuff.

And while it would work on one girl out often
- it would crash and burn on the other nine.

Or, they'd intuitively figure THAT piece out...

But they'd send the message out slightly too

Or slightly too late.

Or they'd send a sex'd up message at literally
the wrong time of DAY...

And they'd fall flat on their faces.

But what this guy had figured out was to line
up all three cherries on the slot machine.

And the results were incredible.

So we went to work.

Going through every CONCEIVABLE
scenario, figuring out the "magic combination"
for each type of situation.

Party girl who has a boyfriend that you met at
a hotel bar?


Shy girl from the office who you've known for
a while but hadn't ever really spoken to?


Sporty "guy's kinda girl" Chick who you know
through mutual friends and have a thing for?


It took damn near every single MINUTE of
the twenty remaining days we had together in
New York.

But we nailed it.

And by the end we had catalogued and
organised it all.

The result was literally a definitive "recipe
book" for what to send to every type of chick
- in every type of situation.

And this little "Recipe book"...


The past 8 months have seen my game

In the past I'd spend HOURS working my
Stealth Attraction methods on a girl, slowly
turning the temperature up…

But lately, my initially interactions have been
no longer than 5-10 minutes.

I just come in, build a little trust and attraction
(which are both *VERY* easy to do) and
secure the number.

Then after that, I do practically
EVERYTHING by remote control.

All of the escalation.

All of the attraction building.

All of the intensification.

I can get done now in 10-15 copy and paste
text messages what used to take me HOURS
of skilled manoeuvring...

And the amount of high quality women who
I've been sleeping with has INCREASED.

In fact right now, for the first time in my life,
I can honestly say I have more high quality
women in my life then ever before.

I'm talking perfect 10's - with stunning
personalities - and all of the X factors that I've
been looking for these past 5 years...

And I've done 90% of the work with these text

As you know - I travel a TON, but I've
managed to steadily move things forward with
every one of them.

And right now I'm at the point where I have 3
women who I'd happily marry ready now to
commit to me and be my loyal dedicated

All because of the steady stream of text
messages I've been sending them.

It's almost SCARY how well this works.

But Does This Just Work For You Richard?

Hell fucking no...

In fact, out of everything I've ever developed
(or co-developed)...

This is the easiest to learn... easiest to apply...



Because this is NOT a SKILL SET.

It's a "cook book."

You literally look up the right answer, copy,
and paste.

That's it.

We're talking paint by numbers.

We're talking IMPOSSIBLE to fail.

It's literally like taking a test with the
ANSWER KEY laid out in front of you!

Which is why every single instructor I've
shared this material with has DOUBLED their
closing rate the same week I sent them the
"rough draft".

And my $7,000 platinum coaching clients
who I let in on this?

Exact same results.

And that's why I'm so excited.

Because I know that as soon as you get THIS
program in YOUR hands....

EVERYTHING is going to change for you.



We go live for the second edition limited
release this Thursday at 2 pm PST... 5 PM

Be ready to act quickly because this is going
to be one of those "you snooze you lose" type
of situations.

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