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Ambitious Ambitious is offline
Post DAY 2 with the girl... - 21-02-2009, 10:47 PM

Ok so I thought I'd post a little something about the DAY2. It completely died on its arse but with a bit of on-the-spot thinking it turned out to be a highly amusing day


So after a number of text messages over the following days since the above it materialises that she has a boyfriend. It also comes to light that she moved from Japan to America 2 years ago, where she met her boyfriend, she then moved to the the UK in September and hasn't seen her boyfriend since.

Up shit creek without a paddle at this point, running a BF destroyer over text or the phone would be a pain in the arse and it soon became apparant this girl hasn't got a clue, about life in general.

Messaged her about going out and she got the impression it was the four of us like before. Nipped that in the bud and then she started going on about her BF in the USA and how we could 'hang out' but she has a boyfriend etc etc. (same kind of messages constantly)

I wanted try a day 2 using MM So put that aside and thinking I can still salvage this, I met her in London, and went for something to eat.

The bill comes... she looks at me and says "you've got this right" Implying that I'M paying the bill

I look at her and asked if she was serious and she was without a doubt. After the bombardment of "I have a boyfriend" , "we love each other" , "we spent valentines speaking on the phone for an hour" ... I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now here comes the best bit,

So being a dab hand at the magic side of things I say "Ok I'll sort something out but first I want to show you some magic"

I ran an effect where I "predict" exactly how much 'change' is in her purse. She gets out the purse empties the coins and the prediction is correct, she smiles and goes "thats cool but a bit sad". A small price to pay for the deviousness I was conjuring in my head at this point.

So I ask to see her purse and as she passes it to me, at that point I palmed out her debit card and gave the purse back, picked up a napkin and told her I needed the toilet. Got to the waitress stand on the way to the exit, wrote on the napkin "bet your boyfriend can't do that" folded it and gave the napkin and debit card to the waitress. "Hi, my date is being lovely and paying on her card, but I think you might need to go get her pin number? Sorry she really doesn't have a clue, oh and can you give her this napkin, I've gotta shoot off".

The waitress smiled and took the napkin and card to the table, I left with a massive grin on my face which at that point was better than getting laid!

Haven't heard anything since so either shes washing dishes or shes eating some humble pie.

Haven't had that much fun in a while ... bitch! LOL


Last edited by Ambitious; 21-02-2009 at 10:56 PM.
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