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Phil Phil is offline
Starcastle Champion
Default 31-07-2013, 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Cumbria-pua View Post
Hey guys I have done 2 cycles of steroids and I would like to tell anyone who is thinking about doing them that you should go see your doctor once you have started and tell him or her what your taking and how much. Yes thy have to by default read you out the risks but you can request blood tests to monitor your dosage. The natrual amount of test for 24 year old is about 15na/ml and my blood test showed 50na/ml so I knew that the stuff I was injecting was legit and my dosage was correct and it was working. The biggest problems arise when you don't know what the hell is going on in your body.

You can also limit risk of side effects by taking a low dose of 500mml per week (350mml natrual) you will see huge gains still on your first time and you will maybe get a bit of acne , some competitive aggression and some ball shrinkage (myth that penis shrinks) my balls shrank a lil because they werent the main source of test but go bam to normal after pct!

Pct (post cycle therapy)
Tamoxifen : breast cancer treatment for women : it's a drug that binds to your eastrogen (female hormone responsible for bitch tits and acne and water bloat)

You start this 2 weeks after your last injection and take the 20mcg tablets daily for 3 weeks

Hcg ( human chronic gonadotropin) : this is a injection taken 10 days after last test injection. You take one in your stomach fat every 2 days until you have have had 5 x 0.5ml injections with a insulin shallow needle!

It's the Hcg that tells your piturity gland to release a hormone that tells your balls to produce testosterone. After 10 days your balls will be back to thier normal size

Diet: must be strict befor during and after.

Testosterone is best understood when we use the analogy of your veins bieng roads. When you are going natrual. You eat protein and insulin cells carry protein to your muscles. But the insulin is like a mini cooper and can only transport small amounts of nutrients.

When you take steroids its like a these nutrients are traveling on an fully loaded arctic 18 wheeler. A lot more is bieng thrown at your muscles and quicker! Leading to muscle gain!

Any questions just asked I have spent most of my young life researching the safe responsible use of anabolic steroids

I went to my doctor for help with my PCT and he told me he wouldn't help me.

Just sorted it myself. Doctors are ignorant.

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