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alphamaax alphamaax is offline
Default 09-07-2013, 03:01 PM

I appreciate your opinion and ideas of what and who you think I am.

I know who I am and what I can do and I know that, that would never happen. I would dominate the social environment I am in. Ask any guy who has tried to challenge me not by intent but by accident, the women all pull for the man who is the more cultured, educated, masculine, manly, dominant, sexually charismatic, witty, funny, worldly one. That would be me! FYI-I don't take myself seriously at all. I was attacked so what shall I do, laugh it off, ha ha ha or take care of business? Thank you! See, when you care of business, you need to, to some degree be a bit serious now!. At least I do. I am sorry I wasn't a bit more light-hearted. Maybe I could be. hmmmm. Now you got me thinking. I am always with a smile, generally and very jovial towards people. See I am smiling now))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anyways I do agree that in some cases, you, another guy would of course get the girl over me or anyone else(That's obvious lol), because she wouldn't be my type so I wouldn't really even pursue her, or I wouldn't be her type, -personality wise, etc. ( I am more of a dominant, alpha, worldly, mature male. Wear 3 piece suits or jeans, biker boots, a T shirt and a blazer in the summer-kind of the way a UFC fighter would dress outside the cage) . Maybe she is into the hipster, or punk rock or Goth type of guy who is skinnier, shyer, a gamer, submissive, shy, into Art festivals and Haiku poetry, sure.

You think I am half of this, half of that, nothing, this, that, blah blah blah. I really don't care. I am actually smiling I have been called worse by better is always my philosophy.

That is your opinion. I know who I am in the scheme of things and in this life. No one else knows.

So as a gentleman who will take the higher road, I want to say(sincerely), thanks for your opinion and feedback which you are absolutely entitled to, but you don't "Factually" know who I am. Only I do.

Lastly, I am not here to be accepted by you or anyone else in this Forum. I could care less if a few of you despised me and didn't want me on here. That is the type of backbone I have.

In fact, you can pluck at my strings all you want, make hateful comments and such and they will be ignored, as you all don't exist for me. You are insignificant, unimportant, not at my level of intellectual discourse, cognitive abilities, maturity, class, education, worldliness, global mindedness, emotional intelligence, etc. I have seen that from Day 1. I never responded or contacted any of you, nor would I. You all contacted me. Wrote complete threads and used up so much of your server space on here to trash talk "Alphamaax" remember?
I wouldn't have spent 1/10000 of my resources on you.

I have shown these threads to some very well known members in other PUA forums and they think, in addition to a few other people I know that you are all a bunch of tools, keyboard jockeys, flame war trolls and I do agree.

Listen, I used to deal with little farts like you when I was starting out 8 years ago. There were a few farty little tarty tarts like you all in the forums and I verbally and intellectually dominated them and soon thereafter( 4 years later), when I was the head coach for another love coaching outfit before I launched my own outfit, they wanted to befriend me and mercilessly apologized.

The key to success is this young man. Never be sidelined or weathered by opposition. The fact that you got someone all worked up over you and talking about you is a good thing. Also, never pay any mind to illiterate, uneducated, ignorant fools, for the world is filled with them. Keep your head up, chin down, hands up, trajectory on track, in line with what you have to do, where you have to go. Along your journey there will be a lot of obstacles, hate mongers, shit meisters. Forgive them, move them aside and be calm.

I do apologize for the outbursts on here for that was out of my nature. I didn't mean to personally offend anyone. However, I felt I was being attacked by people who don't even know me, so hence the harsh backlash.

You are all human and deserve peace, happiness and harmony within yourselves and with others. I honestly wish you all the best in whatever you aspire to do!

BTW Thanks for all of the hallabaloo mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by alphamaax; 09-07-2013 at 03:22 PM.
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