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alphamaax alphamaax is offline
Default 08-07-2013, 10:46 PM

Let me school your bitch asses again girls. You can't hate someone unless they have had an emotional significance to you or have emoted you. You need to have strong emotional attachment to someone to hate them. Therefore I don't hate you, I don't even have any feelings towards you. But you hate me? You girly punk ass bitch. Yuu have that much invested in me emotionally? haha! Love it! None of you have the balls to call me or Skype with me, because I would intellectually annihilate you, not to mention physically as well. I am built like a UFC fighter now and train like one. You think the women want this or you sissy Euro boys with your hipster hips, lanky frames ?

The forum doesn't hate me. A few of you don't like the fact that I am outspoken, a bit proud and defend myself in a semi offensive way. So you know what, fuck it and fuck you. You ain't shit to me ! If you died tomorrow I could care less. What have you contributed to the world and its facets. I have. I have received many private messages with reverence of my posts and superior intellect to you bulldog brained wankers on here. The fact of the matter is this, I was first demonized and bastardized on here. I was attacked and condescended to, you knobhead, cock gobbler and waste of Beta sperm.

Did you think or do you think you would scare me away like the rest ? Don't you see that everytime you write a post, my response is a verbal raping of a reply. Isn't your asshole hurting yet? I will continue to post on here and be on here, even if I get this resentment from a few beta, self loathing, miserable, disgruntled UK pimple dinks, understand that you neomaxizoomdweebi? Good!

Once again, I was attacked and bastardized when I joined this forum. NO OTHER forum has been this rude, black, morbid, full of flame war, fight mongrels, and keyboard jockeys.

But then that is in your shitty, disgusting British culture isn't it asshole to be mean, rude. NO wonder assholes like you give the other good Brits that I know a very bad name.

You are hated worldwide along with your co-conspiring, elitist, oligarch type government.

That is not a very manly or Alpha way to approach another person, leave alone a man. Didn't your mommy toilet train that into your weak viscera, you sissy faggot? Secondly, you think I am going to let a bunch of no body's, wanna bes, never will bes on here repudiate what I am saying or make stupid comments, all the while letting the train go by? NO, the fact of the matter is this.

I am a world renown success and founder of a legitimate, very highly reputable self/life/love mastery coaching outfit since 2006, been in many media outlets, am on and have constant bootcamp/seminar/speaking requests worldwide. What have you done punk? In addition, I have another outfit that helps society by leveraging technological innovation and progressive R and D. And who are you again and what do you do again, please? I don't know you, what you do or where you come from?????????????

And for the record I am extremely humble, altruistic( Do you know what the means even ?), generous, well spoken, eloquent, classy and never speak in this manner to anyone or anything, but the minute you exhibit a "douchy, punk ass, disrespect" towards me, or anyone else for that matter, even a complete stranger, you have just gotten on my bad side. Hence all of the civility and dignity and diplomacy out the window and I will verbally rampage you and humiliate you. If you think you are destroying my image on here, you are doing quite the opposite. I am getting a lot of mail to my [email protected] site and on here also. People are seeing that I am simply being attacked and defending myself and the manner in which I do is up to me and not up to you manboy!

Once again, get all of your boyfriends together and sign a petition to ban me on here or remove me. Why haven't you done that?

I am not going anywhere . I am a fucking WARRIOR and you don't have what it takes to hold my boxers while I am taking a long piss. Get that through your head .

If you would have been nice about this and diplomatic, I would have reciprocated.
Learn manners, social etiquette, courtesy, maturity, class, worldliness, read a bit more, acquaint yourself with the grandiose world aka Terra Ferma we live in and its many facets, stop engaging in fruitless, worthiless, penniless, meagre encounters of the physical but rather plant and reap benefits from spiritual self actualization, self mastery, self development.

I can't believe this. Which one of you faggots said "OH MY GOD(Girly voice) I can't believe you would give your number out in a forum that hates you?" Yes I don't see hate, you do, you disgruntled, beta chode. I see love, understanding, compassion, success, possibility, persistence.

Also, I did it to show that I am open, transparent, wear my heart on my sleeve and am willing to have a discussion with anyone. That is why.
I am the real deal. You on the other hand, hiding behind fake avatar pics which is so girly and sissy like, not wanting to engage me , one on one, but rather engage in a text, flame war. Are you even men, or mice faggots?

Now shooooo....

BTW We just got the reviews from our bootcamp in London and it was second to none. I have cut and pasted the actually screenshot in another post. I walk my talk, because I rock the block with my cock, you knob and if you want to rock the block, like the DOC, then you better stop gobbling on anothers knob, you cockgob da gobble gob!

AHHH just farted ... I'll bet I made your shitty London Neighborhoods smell a bit better with my gas didn't I?

I had some Protein and Quinoa just for you

Last edited by alphamaax; 08-07-2013 at 11:17 PM.
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