Thread: The Hook Point
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Default The Hook Point - 24-09-2009, 02:05 PM

Something that's cropped up recently, and seemed to be a problem the other night with Hustler, was being able to reach a "Hook Point" (as Mystery puts it) in the interaction.

You know the score, you've just opened a set got them giggling a bit, maybe stirred up a bit of debate, but I found that getting to the point where they actually want you to stick around and not leave them just didn't happen.

At first, I thought to just launch into some random stuff like "What colour would a polar bear go if it got hypothermia?" or "My mate Stu has a cat that can backflip - should we put it in the circus?" but then this sounds too much like just another opener.

Maybe it was just me and my lack of experience (it was, after all, only my first proper night out of sarging), but some input here would be good fellas.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
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