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YNNAD YNNAD is offline
Default 30-03-2013, 04:38 PM

I bought 2 books from amazon 3 weeks ago haha, dunno what I was thinking really. The Game was the first book I'd read willingly since primary school.
I heard so much stuff about the magic formula, just going to seminars and reading books and becoming awesome; I bought into the book part.
As you said, I think its a good way to get started but definitely experience beats literature hands down! I use to think online pickup was roughly the same so I should start there and work up. But what's the point in learning if you don't throw yourself in the deep end at some point?
That's why Improv would benefit me a lot. My goal would be learn on the thursday night, implement the rest of the week then come back next thursday primed.

Dude haha something daft funny I did today... Me and the waitress were flirting and I noticed a bracelet she had on, it was some sort of Roman numerals thing. So when I was leaving I gave her a napkin with my phone number on in Roman numerals ahaha.
She text within the hour but I'm too busy to reply yet!
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