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YNNAD YNNAD is offline
Default 30-03-2013, 03:07 PM

I hear you dude. Need to get out there! Thursday I realised this and the effects it had due to Nova and Sapmi.

Opening is the hardest for me, keeping a conversation going when I want to is easy, I'm quite a big tease really. So sometimes I use openers, sometimes I don't. I think about how I approach, after I've approached otherwise my head fucks me up. Kino is essential for me, though not used all the time because i've been going for lesser girls; all that's changed/ing...

Hahaha your DON'T list I remember the flossing/bushing from Strauss I think. But yeah dude I hear you, throwing all that shit outta the window.
I teasefully insult quite regularly, still learning the boundaries.

I like the KINO you stole from your mate, use that this weekend see what happens.

Cheers dude, had a lot of enlightenment in the community!
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