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Bounce Back Champion
Default Lessons from last weekend - 1st & 2nd March - 07-03-2013, 08:24 PM

With a bit of spare time on my hands, these were last weekend's lessons:

1) Not going hard enough/trying to play it safe.

After making some progress, now back in the comfort zone. Friday and Saturday were good nights, but could have been better. Particularly Saturday, as the club I was in was Chode Central.

2) Don't think, just take action.

This lesson was conveyed in a rather unusual way on Saturday night; whilst at the bar I was approached by a rather unattractive lady who proceeded to chat me up 'you're good looking, who are you here with, are you single etc.'). Her friend then tried to hook us up later ('she really likes you'). However, I did not like her. For the majority of the night I could feel her eyes burning into me; whenever I turned, she was there staring at me. So......this is how women must feel by staring chodes - creeped out!

So, the plan for the weekend - shoot first, ask questions later. Ha

'I've never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline.' - Vince Lombardi

'The secret of happiness is not discovered in the absence of trials, but in the midst of them' - Ted Nace
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