Thread: PUA Terminology
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TorchedFrog TorchedFrog is offline
Default 20-09-2009, 07:31 AM

SHIT TEST—noun: a question, demand, or seemingly hostile comment made by
a woman intended to gauge whether a man is strong enough to be a worthy
boyfriend or sexual partner. If he takes the question, demand, or comment at
face value, he fails and generally loses the opportunity to move forward in his
interaction with her. Examples include telling him he is too young or old for
her, or asking him to perform an unnecessary favor.

SHOTGUN NEG—noun: a type of neg used in a group situation with a woman,
intended to amuse the group at her expense. Origin: Mystery.

SNIPER NEG—noun: A type of neg used to embarrass a woman while talking
one-on-one with her. Origin: Mystery.

SOI—noun [statement of intent or show of interest]: a direct comment intended
to let a woman know that one is attracted to or impressed with her. Origin: Rio.
SS—noun [Speed Seduction]: an NLP-based school of pickup founded by Ross
Jeffries in the 1980s. Origin: Ross Jeffries.

STALE—verb or adjective: an occurrence in which the phone number of a woman
is no longer an effective means of making plans with her, usually because too
much time has lapsed between interactions and the woman has lost interest;
may also be used to describe a woman who has lost interest in a pickup artist.

STYLEMOG—noun or verb: a subtle set of tactics, mannerisms, backhanded
compliments, and responses used to keep a pickup artist dominant in a group.
Origin: Tyler Durden.

SUBCOMMUNICATION—noun: an impression, message, or effect created by a
person's mannerisms, dress, or general presence; an indirect, nonverbal form of
communication generally perceived better by women than men. Origin: Tyler

SUPPLICATE—verb: to put oneself in a servile or inferior position in order to
please a woman, such as buying her a drink or changing an opinion in order to
agree with her.

SYNESTHESIA—noun: literally, an overlapping of the senses, such as smelling
a color; in seduction, a name given to a type of waking hypnosis in which a
woman is put into a heightened state of awareness and told to imagine pleasurable
images and sensations growing in intensity. The goal is to arouse her
through suggestive, metaphorical talk, sensations, and imagery. Also: hyperemperia.

TAKEAWAY—noun: a pickup technique in which a man who has approached a
woman and is getting along with her leaves—for as little as a few seconds or as
long as a couple hours—in order to demonstrate a lack of neediness and increase
her attraction to him. Also: false takeaway.

TARGET—noun: the woman in a group whom the pickup artist desires and is
running game on. Origin: Mystery.

THREE-SECOND RULE—noun: a guideline stating that a woman should be
approached within three seconds of first seeing her. It is intended to prevent the
man from thinking about the approach too much and getting nervous, as well
as to keep him from creeping the woman out by staring at her for too long. Origin:

TIME CONSTRAINT-nown: to tell a woman or a group of people that it is necessary
to leave them soon. The purpose of a time constraint is to lessen a
woman's anxiety that a man she has just met will hang around her all night, or that she is expected to have sex with a man upon entering his house. Also: false
time constraint. Origin: Style

TIME DISTORTION—noun: originally a hypnosis term referring to a subject's loss
of awareness of how much time is passing, it also refers to the pickup technique of
making a woman feel she has known a pickup artist longer than she really has. Examples
of time distortion include taking a woman to several different places over
the course of a night or having a woman imagine future events and adventures together.
Also: future pacing or future events projection.

TRANCE WORDS—noun: the words a person emphasizes or repeats when
speaking, indicating that they have a special meaning to the speaker. Once a
pickup artist knows a woman's trance words, he may use those words in conversation
to make her feel a sense of understanding and connection with him.
Origin: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

TRIANGULAR GAZING—verb: a technique used directly before attempting to
kiss a woman, in which, while making eye contact, a man takes several short,
suggestive glances at her lips.
WBAFC—noun [way-below average frustrated chump]: a man who is extremely
unsuccessful with women, usually due to awkwardness, nervousness, and lack
of experience.

WING—noun: a male friend, generally with some pickup knowledge, who assists
one in meeting, attracting, or taking home a woman. A wing can help by keeping
a woman's friends occupied while the pickup artist talks to her, or by talking
to the woman directly about the pickup artist's positive traits. Also:

WINGWOMAN-noun: see pivot.

WOOD—noun: useless; a waste of paper; generally used to describe a woman's
phone number when she gives it to a pickup artist freely but is unlikely to call
him back when he phones.

YES-LADDER—noun: a persuasion technique in which a person is asked a series
of basic questions designed to elicit positive answers, increasing the likelihood
that the person will also respond in the affirmative to a final, open-ended
question. For example: "Are you spontaneous? Are you adventurous? Would
you like to play a game called the cube?"
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