Thread: PUA Terminology
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TorchedFrog TorchedFrog is offline
Default 20-09-2009, 07:31 AM

MM—noun [Mystery Method]: a school of seduction started by Mystery that focuses
on indirect group approaches. Origin: Mystery.

MODEL—verb: to observe and imitate the behavior of another person, typically
someone who possesses a trait or skill one wishes to acquire. Origin: Richard
Bandler and John Grinder.

MPB—noun [male pattern blindness]: some men's inability to recognize that a
woman is attracted to and interested in him until after she leaves and it's too
late to act on it. Origin: Vincent.

MPUA—noun [master pickup artist]: a player who excels at the game, and whose
skills put him in the top 1 percent of the seduction community.

MYSTERY'S LOUNGE-nown. a private, members-only online forum where
many of the leading pickup artists in the community exchange techniques,
photographs, and field reports. Origin: Mystery.

NEG—noun: an ambiguous statement or seemingly accidental insult delivered
to a beautiful woman a pickup artist has just met, with the intent of actively
demonstrating to her (or her friends) a lack of interest in her. For example"Those are nice nails; are they real?" 2. Verb: to actively demonstrate a lack of interest
in a beautiful woman by making an ambiguous statement, insulting her
in a way that appears accidental, or offering constructive criticism. Also: neg bit.
Origin: Mystery.

NEWBIE MISSION-noun: an exercise designed to help shy men overcome
their fear of approaching women. The newbie mission involves spending a day
in a public area, such as a mall, and saying "hi" to every woman who passes by.

NLP —noun [neuro-linguistic programming]: a school of hypnosis developed in
the 1970s based largely on the techniques of Milton Erickson. Unlike traditional
hypnosis, in which subjects are put to sleep, it is a form of waking hypnosis in
which subtle conversational cues and physical gestures are used to influence a
person on a subconscious level. Origin: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

NONVERSATION—noun: a conversation in which one person isn't paying attention
to what the other person is saying, generally due to lack of interest or
being distracted. Origin: Style.

NUMBER-CLOSE—1. verb: to obtain a correct phone number from a woman.
Note that giving a woman one's own number does not constitute a numberclose.
2. noun: a woman's phone number, obtained during the course of a
pickup. Also: #close. Origin; Mystery.

OBSTACLE—noun: the person or people in a group whom the pickup artist
does not desire, but whom he must win over in order to run game on the
woman in the group he does desire. Origin: Mystery.

ONE-ITIS—noun: 1. an obsession with a girl whom one is not dating; pickup
artists believe that such an extreme fixation on one woman significantly lowers
a man's chances of dating or sleeping with her. 2. a girl with whom one is obsessed.
Origin: John C. Ryan.

OPENER—noun: a statement, question, or story used to initiate a conversation
with a stranger or group of strangers. Openers may be environmental
(spontaneous) or canned (pre-scripted); and direct (showing
romantic or sexual interest in a woman) or indirect (not showing interest).

OUTALPHA-verb; see AMOG.

PAIMAI--noun [pre-approach invitation, male approach invitation]: a nonverbal
action or series of actions meant to induce a woman or group to notice a
man and passively express interest in meeting him before he actually approaches
her. Origin: Formhandle.

PATTERN—noun: a speech, usually scripted, that is based on a series of neurolinguistic
programming phrases designed to attract or arouse a woman.

PATTERN INTERRUPT—noun: an unexpected word, phrase, or action performed
suddenly in order to halt a person's auto-pilot response before it's completed,
such as cutting off a woman who's talking about her ex-boyfriend and
quickly changing the subject. Origin: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

PAWN—1. verb: to approach and talk to one group of people in order to meet a
woman or group adjacent to it. 2. noun: a person one approaches in order to
meet a nearby woman or group. A pawn can be an acquaintance or stranger.
Origin: Mystery.

PEACOCK—verb: to dress in loud clothing or with flashy accoutrements in order
to get attention from women. Peacocking items include bright shiny shirts,
light-up jewelry, feather boas, colorful cowboy hats, or anything else that makes
one stand out in a crowd. Origin: Mystery.

PHASE-SHIFT—verb: to make the transition, during a one-on-one conversation
with a woman, from ordinary calk to slower, sexually-charged talk, touch,
or body language; intended to precede an attempt to kiss. Origin: Mystery.

PIVOT—noun: a woman, usually a friend, used in social situations to help one
meet other women. A pivot serves many functions: she provides social proof,
she can create jealousy in the target, she can make it easier to open difficult sets,
and she can brag about the pickup artist to his target. Also: wingwoman.

PROXIMITY ALERT SYSTEM-noun: the state of being aware of a woman or
group of women who are standing awkwardly nearby in hopes of being talked
to. Generally, the woman will have her back to the pickup artist, so as to make
her presence there seem accidental. Origin: Mystery.

PUSH-PULL—noun: a technique used to create or increase attraction, in
which a man gives a woman indications that he is not interested in her
followed by indications that he is. This sequence can take place in a few
seconds—such as taking a woman's hands and then dropping them as if you
don't trust her yet—or over time, such as being very nice during one phone
conversation but then very distant and abrupt during the next one. Origin:

RAFC-noun [reformed average frustrated chump]: a seduction student who
has not yet become a pickup artist or mastered the skills offered by the community

REFRAME—verb: to alter the context through which someone sees an idea or
situation; to change the meaning a person attributes to an idea or situation.
Origin: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

ROUTINE—noun: a story, scripted conversation, demonstration of skill, or
other piece of prepared material intended to initiate, maintain, or advance an
interaction with a woman or her group. Examples include the best-friends test,
the evolution phase-shift, and the ESP value-demonstration.

RSD— noun [Real Social Dynamics]: a company specializing in pickup seminars,
workshops, and products started by Papa and Tyler Durden. Origin: Papa.

SARGE—1. verb: to pick up women, or to go out to try and meet women. 2.
noun: a woman who has been picked up. Origin: Aardvark.

SARGER—noun: a person who picks up women; a member of the pickup community.

SECOND MEETING—noun: a first date. Also: day two.

SET—noun: a group of people in a social setting. A two-set is a group of two
a three-set is three people, and so on. Sets may contain women, men, or
both (in which case they may be referred to as mixed sets). Origin: Mystery.

SHB—noun [super hot babe]: an extremely attractive woman.
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