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Hustler25 Hustler25 is offline
Default 24-12-2012, 02:48 PM

I'm currently feeling as if I am on the cusp of something and that is a feeling of indifference. I've recently been watching the blueprint again and Tyler talks about between being in a position of neediness/anxiety and aiming towards total mastery/abundance you first need to reach indifference as the mid-way point.

I don't feel I am at the destination of complete indifference from outcome but I can see it just on the horizon. As I write this I feel mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety as I prepare to head out this Christmas eve, it's an odd cocktail. However I feel I have a greater control of my anxiety now than I've ever had, I can locate where it resonates within my body. If I dwell on it I can allow it to grow and poison me into not taking action or I can acknowledge it's there play with it a little bit, tease it, shrink it and put it back in it's box.

Other concepts I am currently working on and allowing to percolate are those of, self-amusement and allowing the state of happiness to come from within. The latter will require more work and de-tangling of my ego to expose and come to terms with old wounds before I begin to make great strides here.

It was fear of myself that made me odd
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