Thread: Cold texting
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db x db x is offline
KickUps Champion, Curveball Champion, Mouse Race Champion
Default Cold texting - 22-12-2012, 04:23 PM

This is seemingly a major problem for me, it's only recently I've started asking for numbers, normally if it doesn't happen that night it doesn't happen and I've always went for the same night lay. I've decided to start talking to more women day to day and doing more dating, so ivebeen getting numbers..

Right now I've got 3 numbers from last night but remember very little past the fact they were into me and hot! I guess I was pretty drunk but I like a drink..

Surely some of you guys have this situation commonly, I hate using lines and stuff but hey how's it going is a bit bland particularly when they might remember as little of me as I do of them.

I have success when I remember them and remember something interesting they said but I also need a backup plan so numbers like these don't go to waste!

Would be grateful of some good advice as my text game is so massively far behind the rest of my game that I feel like I'm developing a complex!


The unexamined life is not worth living.

Last edited by db x; 22-12-2012 at 04:33 PM.
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