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Default 01-11-2012, 11:11 PM

Follow up game/date update: Back to mine

This morning I really was feeling very pissed off about missing the opportunity last night. Anyway, there was a bird who'd said she may be up for coming to check out the charity shops with me in my neighborhood after me selling them as 'the best in the world' . We'd been on a couple of dates ages ago. I tried to kiss this one on the first date but she wasn't having it, and the second I reeled it all in and didn't take any action.

So I text her to arrange and head out to collect her. I'm still feeling very annoyed, the more I think about the potential kiss I could have had the night before the worse I felt. Anyway, I met up with her and our usual banter ensued and I started to focus on the job in hand.

We took the tram to my part of town and went round the shops trying on clothes and joking around. So far so good. We go for a drink, plenty of good innocent physical contact with hands and her touching my curly hair.

We then grab Fish & Chips at an amazing chippy as I'd told her it was the best in Manchester, and head to my house. We go to my room to eat and watch a film. I then get the urge to start initiating stuff (I will not have that heavy feeling of regret this time round!). My arm's around her and then I stroke her hair, she's good with all this. Then pretty much as I'm going for the kiss she starts going on about how she's going back to China in 2 months and would not want to start anything with me as it would be as a relationship and not just fun.

After that we chatted, I tried to warm her up again for a kiss several more times, but she isn't having any of it. This one's not a goer. Shame, as she clearly likes me.

When comparing the feeling of regretting not taking action to, at least having tried. I know which I prefer!

girls just wanna have fun

Last edited by nova; 02-11-2012 at 01:29 AM.
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