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aofelix aofelix is offline
Default 19-08-2012, 01:45 PM

1. totally agree with u.
2. that email thing is amazing.. do u drop them a message after they've accepted or added you? or if they message you, they're on it?

to a girl i know through friends, i'll write on her wall going hi thx 4 da add u r so preetii xoxoxox as a joke and to take the piss. she will dig it, her mates will like the post then she'll message me being like LOL OMG.. but online if i do that, i'm pretty much sure she'll think im a creep because she doesn't really know what i'm about.

if i get a girls number at a bar - ill text her on the night for a possible booty call, then in the next day sometime to organise a date if possible.
online however has so many different fucking factors its confusing..!

what're ur guys general tried and tested gameplans for POF/FB/number close/etc.?
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