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aofelix aofelix is offline
Default 19-08-2012, 11:23 AM

thats pretty great... how long are your messages though?! is this how online dating goes?

I really thought online dating was like 2-3 lines of text or something like that as opposed to exchanging essays.

thats awesome success no doubt man! how do you open them? i feel on POF my response rate is pretty shitty (i'd say like 60% and i don't message a lot of girls since i'm being a tad too picky).

im getting frustrated because im getting less attention online than i do in real life from girls who'd usually be digging it (i know that sounds really shitty but i'm just being honest).

dale have u got facebook or something? i'd love to have a chat with you... PM me or summat if you have a bit of spare time for a chin wag. (fb close lololol)

btw.. when i asked u for screenshots, i didnt mean for proof but to see how u did it. those shots dont really show me that much... i.e. say from opening -> close.

Last edited by aofelix; 19-08-2012 at 10:09 PM.
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