Thread: Solo Game
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Jamm Jamm is offline
Default 23-06-2012, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by chillem View Post
Just fucking go out if you wanna! Stop being a pussy and get the fuck out! What the fuck is wrong with you?? It's only going out for fucks sake! I mean you're not going to be expected to stand on a stage and make thousands of people all laugh along with you, are you! It's only going out for fucks sake! It's only going out for fucks sake! It's only going out for fucks sake!

There you go. You just wanted someone to say something like that didn't ya

Oh, and if you have a habit of thinking about what you're going to do when you get out, stop doing this, cos all you'll do is start to think along the lines of 'what do I do if blah blah?' or 'how do I do blah blah?' and you could well end up talking yourself out of it, making excuses etc.

I've been out 'on me tod' a few times as most of my friends from before are either married/settled or not the friends I thought they were.
First time took so much effort it was fucking unbelievable as I kept over-thinking and making myself anxious. Seriously I laugh at myself now. What was all the fuss about?? But, I eventually forced myself to do it.

It was a friday night. Nervous as hell I was. Straight to the club. Made for the bar immediately "fuck I need a drink!" chatting to people at the bar and near the bar area. Not one person noticed I was on my own. To them I guess I was just some friendly, chilled guy who was getting a drink. Rest of the night was OK (nothing spectacular) but importantly I proved to myself that it was perfectly fine to go out solo. Since then I've done it a few times. Got a same night fuck the 3rd time solo, probably more by luck than anything else, but hey you've got to give yourself the chance to get lucky! Made some decent friends too from going out without anyone else there with me holding my hand so to speak.

Remember as a kid the first time you rode your bike without your dad holding the seat? You were so eager to do it by yourself that you'd be like "dad! let go! I can do it by myself!" and off you went having the best time of your life so far. You didn't think about it or analyse it. Just got on with it and did it!

Why do some of us lose that sense of adventure and exploration and just fucking doing new stuff as we get older?

So I would say, don't even think about it. Just do it! Damn those last 3 words should be a marketing slogan or summat.
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