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Default Winging a Natural - 04-09-2009, 12:47 PM

Hi Guys,

well i haven't been out last weekend as i was really under the weather and i've been pretty much doped up on Sudaphed and Paracetamol all week, but Thursday was our half year sales kickoff in cheltenham and as we have to stay over, then it's only right that we go on a night out while we are there

Anyway, as i was on get well soon drugs i wasn't up to gaming so just chilled with the guys from work, opened a seated four set and got one of them to take a picture of the group from work, opened a passing cutie in the bar while i was chatting to one of the guys from another office... just pretty much par for the course stuff.

The interesting bit was very late in the night, in fact it was while i was leaving the club. One of the guys in our office is single, i'd class him as a decent looking guy, does well with the ladies but no's nothing about pu stuff, so what i'd class as a natural, and does new business sales, so is absolutely fearless and doesn't give a shit about the word NO. So anyway i was leaving the club and just spot him outside sat in a two set, so i wander over just to say by, but ended up sitting down and winging him. The girl i was chatting to was really cool and i was there quite a while. The other guy after 10 minutes gets up and just says to the two girls "right i expect to see you on the dance floor later and don't worry about getting home i have a hotel room" and walks off! I'm thinking damn! that just kind of summed up the "it's always on" and assuming the sale right there and then which was a real new light for me. i stayed a couple of minutes after as i was getting on really well with the set and then left to go to my hotel as i was beat. but was really interesting to see someone who is successful with women, but not know about PU in action.

Peace out guys


Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.
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