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ninjaelephant ninjaelephant is offline
Default Christmas Flakers! - 28-12-2011, 06:46 PM

So ive read a few threads of peoples experiences with girls being flakes. Well just after reading that it happens to me..twice

So we had a works christmas party at the start of december. Great night and chatted to allot of hot girls who work in my building. Got a few numbers which was a good result

Girl 1

So I text and arranged to go for lunch with the receptionist the day after the xmas party. We went for lunch lots of kino ,banter..she was a hb8 with a great sense of humor and felt a really good vibe. Txt for a few days after and she wanted to take me out for a drink which was rare for a girl with value to propose..great!

well she didnt txt me I kept my cool and didnt reply. Seen her in the office a few time the next following days and we talked but nothing moving foward.

She txt me 2 weeks later after zero contact more or less and said" Hi its Alice! sorry I havnt been in contact ive been really busy with uni stuff, how was your xmas >? are you out 2nite "

I just didnt reply..and I wont reply. I really do want to reply but i think to my self " if I had done this to a girl and she txt or called in 2 weeks id sense a level of desperation "
Yes she could of been busy, had other stuff in her life going on but it only takes 2 minutes to txt or call me. I dont contact her again.

Girl 2
Banter on email the day after xmas party. Arranged to go up for a tea break a few times and chatted more. Hb7 with short blonde hair..lovely!
havnt got her number..just emails at the moment. I wanted to make it abit more formal so flirted..and kino on tea breaks which she responded.

So on the last day of work I emailed her saying " Give me your number so we can go for a drink over xmas time! "

Her: " haha! how about you give me your number and ill think about it "


me : " haha have a good christmas. "

went ofline and went home.

On reflection this was probably a shit test which I responded badly too. I should of played along with the banter but it pissed me off so much I didnt want to take her out for a drink or even have her number anymore.

We got on allot. who knows we might pick this one up again when I return to work.

So yea I feel better now then i did before xmas when these both events happend. But im glad I didnt lower my value by being jumping on command.
I have a date with another girl from work tomorrow and she has just moved into her new place so this could be eventfull. Will do a field report on it at the weekend


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