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GenePoole GenePoole is offline
Default 20-12-2011, 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by al_phaD View Post
Get a hooker, she won't reject you..

But seriously..

You were probably too distant.. Playing it cool too much and she's an attention ho....

Why do you feel rejected? You don't need bitchez in your life to feel validated and awesome.

You were fine before you met her, so don't let her have an impact on your feelings for long...

it's all good.. it obviously wasn't the right time for you both..
It's more guilty than rejected I reckon. You feel like you want an explanation when things end but no-one ever gives any more than "it's not working".
TBH it was a bit messy, I was seeing someone before but let's say it hadn't totally ended when I started seeing this new girl - that's why I was distant cos I was trying to manage both my ex's feelings and the new girl at the same time. I just find it ironic, she liked me while I was more unavailable but then when I told her I couldn't go out, she started feeling rejected & losing feelings for me just as mine were growing. Mistake made, lesson learned.

I feel I've done the right thing by deleting all her contact details - should stop me from doing anything like drunk texting.

Originally Posted by daleinthedark View Post

At the same time if you're sewing your oats you can't get upset because she went and did the same, I think it's unfair to do so. Girls do it to me all of the time so I don't get fussed unless they make a big fuss over it, at what point I cut contact...
Isn't that because you don't like them enough to want to develop a relationship? I mean seriously, it's no fuss if you don't like them all that much you just move on.

I think I just feel guilty because I can see I could have made things different and been more consistent but spoilt it because of neither managing my ex's feelings nor the new girl's feelings either. It just seems strange that she spent a lot of time with me in the last few days and then ended it. Perhaps she was giving it one last shot but I suppose once your feelings have gone because the other person let you down one too many times, then it's too late.

Last edited by GenePoole; 20-12-2011 at 10:50 AM.
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