Thread: PUA vs Natural
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kbear kbear is offline
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Default PUA vs Natural - 12-12-2011, 12:45 PM

The Natural Vs. The PUA

I just had my office party last week and my game has improved over the last few months. I had a really good time, talking to almost everyone, dancing with the cute girls in the office.

One girl in particular that I have been interested in for a while ended up kissing another guy from the office who already has a girlfriend, and he is a natural. Very annoyed!

I had to leave early to catch my last train so If I stayed longer I could have been in that position. I didn't want to escalate with that girl
in front of my bosses and the directors.

So I guess that this guy has clearly embarresed himself in the office but I didn't end up with the girl which is frustrating because I know I could have.

The learning lessons:

Next time just stay till the end of the party and be persistent, isolate the target and be discreet to save face. I left too early!

I've still kept my reputation in the office so I dont feel too bad but the naturals will always be one step ahead of me.

Anyone had any experience of going out with a girl from the office...a good or bad idea?
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