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jamesmlb jamesmlb is offline
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Default Gloucestershire – 45 year-old ‘wingman’ available - 01-12-2011, 10:43 AM

Name: James Melborne
Age: 45 (and counting)
Occupation: Teacher
Experience (see below)

Haven’t posted before, but will try to share some ideas on the forums from now onwards. Trying to prove that PUA skills aren’t just for the young guns in their twenties and thirties but a skill-set you can apply in any social situation. Hollywood isn’t real of course, and life shouldn’t always imitate art; but as long as Pierce Brosnan and Mel Gibson movies promote the acceptability of 50-something action heroes romping with the (significantly younger) heroine, and ‘cougar’ females equalise the odds, then I shall continue wielding my greying-templed and crinkly-eyed charms in the direction of women from their twenties and ever upwards!

I tend to ‘fly solo’, and have mixed feelings about the whole ‘wingman’ thing. Although sarging by yourself can make you look more conspicuous, it also allows you to come in under the wire – and is also advantageous in the daytime when lots of women will be on their own. One of the good things about being older is that I have very little AA (just as well since I don’t drink alcohol!)
However, mutual ‘backup’ is also good and can definitely aid motivation (especially in the winter months when stepping outside is more of an effort). So if you’re thirty-plus and looking for a bit of moral support, feel free to make contact!

Status – Veteran of several LTRs that ended on a positive note with no bad feelings. Kind of married to job / extended family and not looking to settle down. Since reading ‘The Game’, I’ve been enjoying the opportunities and possibilities that have opened up; I love the ‘buzz’ of meeting / closing attractive women but not particularly interested in the seduction phase.

Modus operandi – Mostly daygame; coffee-shops have replaced pubs as my main haunt, but not averse to going out at night and have done some successful closes. Based in Cheltenham (greatest town in England) but also use Bristol for street sarging on the grounds that I can be more adventurous, ‘anonymous’, and avoid social embarrassment if I ‘crash and burn’!

Style – Definitely more Boris Johnson than David Cameron (though without the ‘bulk’!) Makeover probably called for BUT if body image, hairstyle and fashion are a central aspect of your game, don’t get in touch – we will simply annoy each other!

Inspirations – Some very good infield videos show what you can achieve, e.g. Alex Coulson, Adam Lyons.
Personal favourites –
KrauserPUA (like the dominant ‘frame’ he creates by speaking quite slowly and deliberately);
Urbanistgame (available on Youtube – this guy is an ‘approach machine’; he could obviously improve his technique but has some nice ideas and ultimate respect for recording and posting so many attempts!);
Vince Kelvin (some people rate him as sleazy but his flamboyant, almost ‘camp’ approach is fun, unthreatening, inventive and does seem to get excellent results).

I joined the Bristol ‘lair’ a few years back and met some of the guys once or twice. Good Facebook group but annoying tendency to ‘purge’ people if you weren’t regularly out and about. Also very loud bars and nightclubs haven’t been my thing since the early 90s.
Can post my number if anyone wants to get in touch.
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